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单词 如虎添翼

如虎添翼如虎生翼rú hǔ tiān yì

like a tigerthat has grown wings—with might redoubled
❍ 某素知云长智勇盖世,今据荆襄,如虎生翼。(《三国演义》646)I must acknowledge this Guan Yunchang as the one man who,in skill and valour,overtops the whole world. Lately he has obtained possession of Jingzhou and the district near it,and has thus become terrible.He is a tiger with wings added.
❍ 革命加科学将使你们~,把老一代革命家和科学家点燃的火炬接下去,青出于蓝而胜于蓝。(郭沫若《科学的春天》) Revolution plus science will make you grow like winged-tigers and will be able to take over the torch lit by the revolutionaries and scientists of the older generation and surpass them in all fields.


like a tiger that has grown wings—with added strength;further strengthened;with redoubled might

如虎添翼rú hǔ tiān yì

像老虎长出了翅膀一样。比喻本领很大的人又增加了新的助力。win might redoubled, like a tiger that has grown wings, be a tiger with wings added





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