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单词 如释重负

如释重负rú shì zhòng fù

(feel) as if (/as though)relieved of (/from) a heavy (/big) burden (/load); breathe freely again; feel a sense of relief;feel greatly relieved; have a load (taken) off one’s mind; have a sigh of relief; with a light heart
❍ 姐姐~似的松了一口气,她捧着剑波的脸,亲切地注视着他的眼睛,……(曲波《林海雪原》15) Sister breathed a sigh of relief. Taking Jianbo’s face in her hands,she gazed lovingly into his eyes…/一阵~的喜悦,冲上了郑克昌灰白的脸上,…… (罗广斌、杨益言 《红岩》132)Relief floated Zheng Kechang’s ashen face. …/我嘘一口气,真所谓“~”,善男信女们也个个“合十赞叹,欢喜布施,顶礼而散” 了。(《鲁迅选集》上—305) This tremendous load lifted from my mind,I gave a sigh of relief,while those pious believers put their palms together in admiration,praising Buddha and joyfully making their donations before they prostrated themselves and left.
❍ 她又仔细看了一遍,这才~地把名单交还给大娘。(杨沫《青春之歌》345) After checking them,she handed back the originl with a light heart.


as if relieved of a heavy burden (or load)

如释重负rú shì zhònɡ fù

释:放下,解除。比喻完成了一件大事感到轻松愉快。as if relieved of a heavy load, feel relieved, heave a sigh of relief





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