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单词 如饥似渴

如饥似渴rú jī sì kě

as if thirsting or hungering for sth; avidly; eagerly; greedily; with great eagerness
❍ 一看那秀丽的字迹,就知道是若飞同志写的,我们都~般地读下去。(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》90) I at once recognized Wang’s beautiful handwriting and we began to read it avidly.
❍ 可是青年人热烈的求知欲望和好高骛远的劲头,管它懂不懂,她还是~地读下去。(杨沫《青春之歌》 116) Yet,her youthful craving for knowledge,her aspiring spirit,made her read on eagerly whether she understood or not.
❍ 我~地读着想着,恨不得把书吃到肚里去。(吴运铎《把一切献给党》24)I read them greedily,only wishing that I could absorb their contents all at once.
❍ 我~地读着各种文学书和理论书,也学了外科医药知识。后来又学习外国语文。(吴运铎《把一切献给党》151) Hungrily I read both poems and novels and Marxist theory. I also dabbled inanatomy and foreign languages.


as if thirsting or hungering for sth;eagerly;avidly

如饥似渴rú jī sì kě

像饿了要吃饭、渴了要喝水一样。形容要求迫切,十分急需。eagerly, as if thirsting or hungering for sth., be hungry for





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