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单词 mail
mail/meɪl/ n & vt

n (1)邮政,邮递(制度)(system of collecting and delivering lettersparcels etc)[U]:send the parcel/pay a bill/buy books by~邮寄包裹/邮付账款/邮购书籍;The letter came/was delayed in the~.该信是邮来的/在邮寄中被耽误了。The parcel is in the~.包裹在邮寄途中。The~has been slow lately.最近邮递一直都很慢。He was appointed to take charge of the~. 派他管理邮政。the~order/boat/van/service邮购/邮船/邮车/邮政服务;〖同〗post;

(2)邮件(包),信件(lettersparcels etc by post)[U]:handle/sort/distribute the~处理/分拣/分发邮件;a special train to take the~运送邮件的专车;There isn't much~for me this morning.今天早上我的信不多。receive one's/get one's/open one's~收到/得到/打开信件;〖同〗letter;

(3)某一次发送(收取)的一批邮件(collection or delivering of letterspackagesetc at a certain time)[C]:catch the afternoon/the morning/the 10 o'clock~赶下午/早上/10点邮班;There is another~in the afternoon.下午还有一次邮班。〖同〗letters,packages;

(4)(用于)邮报等名称(word often used in the titles of newspapers)(cap):The Morning/Daily/Oxford M~《晨报》/《每日邮报》/《牛津邮报》;

vt 邮寄(send by mail;post)[T+nD+n+nD+n+prep(to)]:~sb a check/form/letter/postcard 把支票/表格/信件/明信片寄给某人;They keep~ing things to me.他们不断地给我寄东西。〖同〗post,send;

→′mailer n 包装邮件的东西;′mail-coach n(旧时)邮政马车,邮政车;′mail-bag n(运送邮件的)邮袋;′mailbox n(投寄邮件的)信箱(筒);′mailman n(美)邮递员;′mailshot n 给潜在客户邮寄的广告材料





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