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单词 forward
forward/′fɔ:rwǝd, AmE ′fɔ:r-/ adj [无comp]; adv v [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

adj (1) 1) 向前的,前进的(moving onadvancing)[作attrib]:~movement/motion向前运动/移动;~gears 前进挡;take a bad~fall向前重重地摔倒了;〖同〗advancing,onward,progressive;〖反〗backward;2) 位于(靠近)前面的(atinnear the front) [作attrib]:the~part of a bus/a train/a ship公共汽车/火车/轮船的前部;take the~path走前面的小路;~ranks of troops军队的先头部队;move society~into a better world把社会向前推进到一个更美好的世界;

(2) 成熟的,进展快的((of plantsetc) developing more quickly than usual):(crops/beans) be~(作物/豌豆)成熟得早;a~child/summer/young nation一个早熟的孩子/早来的夏天/成长很快的年轻国家;

(3) 未来的(of or relating to the future) [作attrib]:~planning/buying未来的计划/预购期货;

(4) 1) 热心的;易于……的(eager;willing to be involved):be~to help/in helping others热心助人;be~with help/an offer (to work late) 愿意帮助/提出愿意(加班); 2) 唐突(鲁莽)的 (too sure of oneself or too eager in one's manner):(manners/behaviour/young lady) be a bit/rather/too~(举止/行为/少妇)有点/很/太唐突;It was~of you to ask her for the money. 你向她要那笔钱太鲁莽了。a~young boy一个冒失的男孩;〖同〗bold,fresh;〖反〗modest;

→′forwardness n 鲁莽,冒失;

adv (BrE also -s) (1) 向前(moving towards to the front):hasten/run/hurry/press~匆匆/跑/飞快/挤向前;lean/swing~(s) 向前靠/向前摆动;come~(s)走向前来;swing one's bag/push one's way/play a tape-recording~(s) 把提包荡向前方/向前挤行/放录音;move~to the front of the stage向前走到台前;step~to receive one's prize走向前去受奖;〖同〗ahead,onward,forth,frontward,before;〖反〗backward;

(2) 向前,前进(onward in order to make progress):bring a proposal/a meeting~提出建议/把会议进行下去;get~with a project使项目有进展;a great step~向前迈出一大步;come~out of the shadow从阴影里走出来;〖同〗forth;

(3) 将来,今后(in or toward future):look~to the future 展望未来;from this time~从今以后;

→′forward-looking adj 向前看的;有远见的;

v(1) 转递(交)(send forwardtransmitesp to a new address) [IT+nD+n+nD+n+prep (to)]:Please~!请转递!~a letter/a telegram转递一封信/电报;~sb's mail (BrE post) to sb's new home(new address) 将某人的邮件转到其新家(新地址);~ing address转递的新地址;

(2) 发(递)送(send or dispatch sth to sb) [T+nD+n+nD+n+prep(to)]:~the order/the merchandise/a list of the latest men's clothing寄定单/商品/最新男士服装的货单;~sb a copy of one's latest catalogue给某人发出一份最新的产品目录;~ing agent运输代理;

(3) 促进(使) (promote or advance sth) [T+n]:~sb's cause/sb's career/sb's interests/sb's project发展某人的事业/职业/兴趣/项目;~the plans for a new school/the progress of the talks/chances of getting into university促进建立新学校计划的实施/促进会谈的进展/争取进入大学的机会;〖同〗advance,promote,assist;〖反〗hinder;

【辨异】forwardonward都表示朝前面或往前方的运动。forward用于指任何朝着所说的或认为的前面或目标的运动,如:face forward (面对前方);move forward in the aisles (在通道上向前移动);onward指任何过程的连续,如:march onward toward a goal (向目标继续行进)。





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