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单词 front
front/frʌnt/ nadj [无 comp]; v [-ed/ -ed/ ɪd/]

n (1) 1)正(前)面 (forward part or surface of a thing/place;the most important part of anything) [C,通常sing,尤the~]:the~of the school学校的正面;the~of the postcard/the picture明信片/图片正面;a blouse with tucks down the~前襟从上到下打褶的女衬衣;write one's name at the~of the book在书的封面上写名字;〖同〗face;〖反〗back,rear; 2) 前面(部) (part of anything that faces the direction in which it moves) [C,通常sing,尤the~]:at the~of the house在房子的前面;sit in the~of the bus坐在公共汽车前部;house/shop~(s) 房子/商店的前脸;

(2) (海滨的)沿海滨的道路;海(湖)边的土地(roadoften built up and having a protecting wallby the edge of the seaesp in a town where people go for holidays) [Cthe~]:on the sea~在海边的道路上;

(3) 前方(线),战线((in war) the line of soldiers nearest the enemy) [Cthe~]:send/ship soldiers to the~将士兵派往/用船运往前线;lose one's life/serve at the~在前方战死/服役;fight on several/all~s在几个/各条战线上战斗;advance on a wide~将战线推进;hold one's new~控制住自己的新战线;〖同〗head,lead,top,beginning;〖反〗back,rear;

(4) 外表,样子(outward appearance) [Ua~]:keep/put on a brave~保持/装出勇敢的样子;present a smiling/united~to the world 极力露出微笑/表现出团结一致的样子;put up a protective/maintain a calm/show a bold~装出保护/保持平静/表现出大胆的样子;(rudeness/ loudness)be just/only a~for hiding sb's shyness(粗暴/大声讲话)只/仅仅是为了掩饰某人的胆怯;〖同〗carriage,air,bearing,presence,mask;

(5) 掩护物,幌子(thing that hidesor serves as a cover forunlawful activities) [Ca~] [N (for)] (infml):His café is a~for smuggling. 他的咖啡馆是为走私作掩护。

(6) (气候)锋(冷热空气团的分界处) (boundary between cold and warm air masses) [C]:a cold/warm~冷/热空气前锋;

(7) 领域,界(area or scene of a particular activity) [C,通常sing](常与形容词,名词连用):on the domestic,financial,education~在国内、金融、教育方面;

(8)阵线 (coalition or movement to achieve a particular endusu political)[C,通常sing]:the National/People's F~爱国/人民阵线;the Popular F~for liberation/ freedom为争取解放/自由的人民阵线;present/form a united~提出建立/形成一个统一阵线;

in front 在某人(某物)前面:go/stroll in~在前面走/散步;The French team is still in~. 法国队仍然领先。

in front of 1)在……前面:park/stop right in~of one's house 车就停在房子前面;stand in~of the screen 站在屏幕前面;dial 010 in~of the number在那个号码前拨010; 2)在……面前;当着……的面:sign in~of the cashier当着出纳员的面签字;talk about it/use such bad language in~of the children在孩子面前谈论那事/使用这样肮脏的语言;

out front 在观众(席)中:Is your family out~tonight?你家人今晚去看戏吗?

up front 预付:We demanded $8000 up~before going ahead with the deal. 我们要求在这笔交易之前先付8000美元。

→ ͵front-′bencher n 议会中坐在前排座位的议员;͵front-′page adj 第一(头)版的;

adj(在)前面的 (of or at the front) [作attrib]:~teeth门牙;~room/yard/view/gate前面的房间/院子/景色/大门;sit in the~row/seat坐在前排/前面的座位;on the~page of the newspaper/cover of the exercise book在报纸的头版/练习本的正面封皮上;

v (1) 面(朝)向(face sth;stand opposite sth) [I+prep(onto),T+n]:The house~s (onto) the lake/sea. 这所房子朝向湖/大海。〖同〗face;

(2) 装饰……的正面(give a surface to the wall of(a building)) [T+n,通常pass]:The building was~ed with stones/red bricks. 大楼的正面用石头/红砖砌成。

(3) 1) 充当首领,代表(serve as a leader) [T+n] (infml):get a well-known businessman to~one's organization让一位有名的商人当自己组织的代表; 2) 主持电视(广播)节目(present a TV or radio programme) [T+n] (infml):~a new discussion programme 主持一个新的讨论节目;

【用法】 in front of sth是指在某物的前方,例如:A child ran out in front of the bus,so the driver had to stop. (一个小孩跑到了汽车前面,所以司机不得不停车。) In the front of sth是指在某物的前部,例如:She got a good seat in the front of the bus,so she had a good view. (她在汽车的前部找了个座位,所以她看到的景色很清楚。) I was sitting right in the front of the cinema,but then someone sat in front of me,so I couldn't see a thing!(我就坐在电影院的前排,但是后来有人坐到了我的前面,所以我什么也看不见了!) At the front of sth是指在某物前方近处,例如:There is a big tree at the front of the house. (房子前面有一棵大树。)





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