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单词 form
form/fɔ:m, AmE fɔ:rm/ n & v

n (1) 外形(貌),形状,体态(external appearance of a clearly defined area;outward visible appearance of sb) [CU]:in the~of a cross/a mountain/the squares 十字状/山形/方形;In~,the machine is something like a spinning-wheel. 从外形上看,这台机器有点像手纺车;geometric~s 几何图形;the human~人的形体;sb's slumber-ing/well-proportioned/graceful~某人睡眠的样子/匀称的体态/优雅的体态;〖同〗shape,outline,figure,pattern,formation,structure,style;

(2) 表现形式(与内容相对) (general arrangementstructure that affects the resultshape of sth) [U]:music in concerto/sonata~协奏/奏鸣曲;literary~文学形式;You paint well,but your work lacks~. 你画得很好,但你的作品缺乏表现形式。What~does this illness take? 这病有什么症状?〖同〗system,structure,arrangement,order;

(3) (语法)词的变化形式((grammar) shape of word as it occurs in a specific context) [CU]:singular/plural inflected~s 单数/复数/曲折变化形式;

(4) 形式(态),种类,制度(particular conditioncharacter or mode in which sth appears;system) [C][N (of)]:write a novel in the~of a diary/a letter 以日记/书信的形式写一部小说;take the~of lectures/private talks 采取讲座/私下交谈的方式;~of art/ceremony艺术/典礼的形式;never touch alcohol/never like exercise in any~从不沾任何种类的酒/从不喜欢任何方式的运动;(ant) be a~of insect (蚂蚁)是昆虫类; be a~of the pea family 是豌豆科植物;different~s of government 不同的政治制度;〖同〗aspect,type,kind,sort,class;

(5) 健康或竞技状态(fitness with regard to health or training) [U]:study the sportsman's/the horse's~研究运动员的竞技状态/研究马的健康状况;a tennis player in excellent/good/top/peak~一名处在极佳/良好/最高/最高竞技状态的网球运动员;in/out of~(运动员等)竞技状态好/不佳;〖同〗shape,fitness;

(6) 心情,情绪(mood) [U] (infml):be in fine/good~at the party 在晚会上心情很好;I wasn't in~so I played very badly. 我情绪不好,所以弹得非常糟糕。

(7) 行为,礼貌(conventional behavior) [U]:ask sb's name/shake sb's hands/invite sb as a matter of~出于礼貌而问某人的名字/和某人握手/邀请某人;It's not good~to interrupt others/to whisper in the presence of others. 打断别人的讲话/在别人面前窃窃私语是不礼貌的。〖同〗way,manner,behavior,habit;

(8) 表格(document with blanks that are to be filled in) [C]:fill in/up/out an application~填一张申请表;a~of income-tax/receipt 所得税单据/收据单;telegraph~s 电报单;

(9) (英国中学及美国某些私立学校的)年级(grade or class of pupils in British secondary schools and in certain American private schools) [C]:What~is Mary in? She's in the fifth~. 玛丽读几年级?她读五年级。〖同〗grade;

→ -former (构成合成词)……年级学生;′formless adj 无形状的,杂乱的;′formlessness n 无形状;formal adj 正式(规)的;

v (1) 1) (形、构)成(make into the shape of sth or produce) [T+nT+n+prep (from)]:~steam 形成蒸汽;Water~s rust on certain metals. 水在某些金属上面生成水锈。~clay into a figure 用泥土围成一个塑像;~a circle with the matches 用火柴围成一圆圈;~a figure/a bowl from clay 用泥土做一个塑像/碗;The sofa is~ed of three separate sections. 这套沙发由三个单件组成。〖同〗shape,pattern,construct,structure,make; 2) 成……形状(become a certain shape) [L+n]:Just before water boils,little bubbles begin to~around the pot. 水即将沸腾时,在壶的周围开始形成小水泡。〖同〗develop,constitute,compose;

(2) 构成……形式(produce (sth) by adding certain elements) [T+n]:~a sentence without a verb 造了一个没有动词的句子;“Man”~s its plural by the change of “a” to “e”. 把Man 中的字母“a”改成“e”构成了Man 的复数。

(3) 1) 使成立(存在),组织(develop;organize) [T+nT+n+prep(from)]:~a students' association/a society/a club/a company/a committee 组织一个学生协会/社团/俱乐部/公司/委员会;~the government mainly from young men 建立一个主要由年轻人组成的政府;~a plan/an idea/an impression/a judgment/an opinion(fig) 想出一个计划/想出一个主意/产生一种印象/形成一种判断/形成一个想法;2) 产生,成形(come into or cause to come into being;appear) [I]:Buds~in the spring. 春天的时候,幼芽长出来了。Ice~s. 结冰了。Clouds~. 云团形成了。

(4) 编(排)成(organize or arrange (oneself or other people) into a particular order) [I+prep (into),T+nT+n+prep(into)]:~(into) a line/a chain/two groups 排成一队/排成一列/编成两组;Long queues had~ed. 排成了长队。Join hands and~a circle. 拉起手,排成一个圆圈。~the children into three groups 把孩子们编成三组;The men~ed themselves into a line. 这些人自动排成一行。~up 排队,排成队形;

(5)培养,训练(developinstruct or train sb/sth) [T+n]:a character~ed by strict discipline/from an early age 由严格的纪律训练出来的/早期形成的性格;~a relationship/friendship 建立一种关系/友谊;~good/bad habits 养成良好/不良的习惯;~the habit of taking long solitary walks 养成单独走远路的习惯;~a child's character/minds 培养孩子的品性/思维(能力);

(6) 组(构)成,作为(……的一员或一部分) (make upconstitute) [L+n]:Five colleges~ed the university. 五所学院组成这所大学。Three rivers~Missouri. 三条支流汇聚而成密苏里河。These ideas~the basis of our five-year plan. 这些想法是我们五年计划的基础。 The anatomy lectures~part of the medical course. 这些解剖学讲座是医学课程的一部分。

→for′mation n 构(组)成;′formative adj 形成的,构成的





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