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单词 frame
frame/freɪm/ nv [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1) 框架(子) (plasticwoodensteeletc border or edge that surrounds a picturedooretc) [C]:a simple/black/new/ugly/gold-painted/silver picture~简易/黑色/新/难看/镀金/银质的画框;a door/window~门/窗框;fit sth properly its~恰好装进框子里;

(2) 骨(支)架(hard main structure round which sth is built or made) [C]:the~of an aircraft/a building/a bed/a cupboard/a rucksack飞机/大楼/床/柜厨/帆布背包的支架;the wooden/steel/iron~of a house房子的木/钢/铁构架;a car/bicycle~汽车/自行车的骨架;〖同〗framework;

(3) 眼镜框(structure of plasticmetaletc that holds the lenses of a pair of glasses in place) [C,通常pl]:sunglasses with heavy black~s 配有黑色镜框的太阳镜;spectacle/eyeglasses~s 眼镜框;

(4) (人或动物的)身躯(formshape of an animal;person's body) [C,通常sing]:have an unusually small/thin/slight/big/large/powerful~有不同寻常的矮小/瘦弱/细长/庞大/魁伟/强健的身躯;a girl of/with a slender~身材苗条的女孩;〖同〗 figure,shape;

(5) (可移动的)轻便玻璃温床(large wooden box covered with transparent material in which young plants are grown outdoors) [C]:a heated/cucumber~加热/黄瓜温床;

(6) 制度;体制;模式(systemstructure of form;order) [C]:the~of government/contemporary society政府体制/现代社会的模式;

a frame of mind 心情(境):be in a strong/an angry~of mind 心情舒畅/愤怒;be in a low/strange~of mind 情绪低落/心情古怪;be in the right/wrong~of mind to make such an important decision有/无心思做出这样一个重要的决定;

→′frame-house n 框架房屋,木板房;′framework n 构(骨,支)架;社会体制;制度;

v (1) 1) 给……装框子(架) (put a frame around sth) [T+n]:~a picture/a photograph/a painting/a college diploma给图画/照片/油画/大学文凭装框子;have an oil-painting/one of the drawings~d让人把一幅油画/图画装上框子; 2) 像框子一样地围着(serve or act as a frame for sb/sth) [T+n,尤pass]:The house was~d by a background of trees. 房子映衬在树木的背景之中。stand there~d in the light of the doorway在门口灯光的映照下站在那里;A large hat/dense mass of black hair~d her face. 一顶大帽子/一头浓密的黑发映衬着她的面庞。

(2) 说(讲)出;表达出(put into words;express sth in words) [T+n]:~a question/an argument/a response/a bill/a sentence/a theory提出问题/进行论述/给予回答/提出议案/造句/提出一种理论;~a plan of action/a set of rules制订行动计划/一套规则;~a reading list提出阅读书单;

(3) 陷(诬)害(cause sb to appear guilty of a crime when he or she is not) [T+n,尤pass](infml):The man kept saying that he had been~d and was not guilty. 这个人不停地说他是被诬陷的,是无罪的。

→′frame-up n诬(陷)害





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