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单词 from
from/frɒm,frǝm, AmE frʌm, frɑ:m/ prep

(1) (表示出发起点或方向)自,从(used to introduce the placepoint from which sth/sb begins):go/fly~Paris to Marseilles从巴黎去/飞往马赛;travel by train~home to work 从家里坐火车去上班;come~the north来自北方;a train~London来自伦敦的火车;come home~work下班回家;

(2) (表示开始的时间)自,从(starting at the stated time):be on holiday~Dec 21从12月21日开始度假;be open~about 8 a.m. until six o'clock p.m. 从大约早上8点到下午6点钟营业;work~morning till night从早到晚地工作;~Monday dawn to Friday dusk从周一黎明到周五黄昏;~birth/the moment从生下来/那一刻起;

(3) 由……发送的(used to introduce the person or thing that givessends sth):a letter/a present/a phone call~one's parents父母来的信/送的礼物/打来的电话;a man~the company那个公司的一个人;

(4) (表示来源)从,从……来(indicating where sth/sb originates or is stored):I'm~New Orleans. 我是新奥尔良人。come~a wealthy family生于殷实家庭;a song~the latest film最新电影中的一首歌;music~an opera一部歌剧的音乐; eggs~hens母鸡下的蛋;get a postcard~a post office从邮局买的明信片;

(5) 距离(used to introduce distance between two places):two miles~the shore/the coast/the nearest telephone 距海滨/海岸/最近的电话两英里;live about ten minutes(away)~the beach 从其住的地方到海滩有10分钟的路;some three hours' drive~Newcastle 到纽卡斯尔开车大约需三小时;a few steps~here to the post office 从这里到邮局只有几步远;

(6) (表示最低限度)(used to introduce the lower limit of sth):Prices are/range~£10 to £20. 价格是/范围从10英镑到20英镑不等。Our prices start~£2.5 a bottle. 我们这里的最低价格是2.5英镑一瓶。take children~the age of 6 on the courses 这些课程招收六岁以上的孩子;The number of stores will be increased~25 to a total of 30. 商店的数目从25个增加到总共30个。

(7) (表示情况或状态的改变) (used to introduce a state of change):(condition/ things) go~bad to worse(状态/事情)越来越糟;translate~Italian to English从意大利语译成英语;(fare) go up~25p to 30p(票价)从25便士涨到30便士;change~being a good student to a very lazy one从一个好学生变成一个非常懒惰的学生;He rose~office boy to managing director in 15 years. 在15年之中他从办事员升到经理。

(8) (表示原料)由 (used to introduce the thing used to make sth):(wine) be made~grapes(葡萄酒)是用葡萄制成的;(bread)be made~flour (面包)是用面粉做的;

(9) 1)(表示脱离,离开) (used to introduce separationremovaletc):take the matches~the boys away从男孩子那儿把火柴拿走;take a knife~one's pocket从口袋里取出刀子;be deducted~sb's pension从某人的补贴中扣除;be excluded~membership被拒绝入会;subtract 10~15从15中减去10;blow the hat~one's head 帽子从头上吹掉; 2)(表示保护,防止) (in a state of protection or prevention with regard to):keep sb~dying of starvation使某人免于饿死;keep the bad news~sb不让某人知道这个坏消息;save a child~drowning救出一名溺水的孩子;give sb a shelter~the rain给某人提供避雨的地方;

(10) (表示原因、理由、动机) (used to introduce a cause or reason):suffer~cold/heart disease患伤风/心脏病;be tired (exhausted)~overwork/the sleepless nights 由于过度工作/许多不眠之夜而疲惫不堪;You're fat~eating too much. 你是因饮食过度而肥胖的。

(11) 从……判断;鉴于(according to;as a result of):F~the evidence,he must be guilty. 从这个证据来判断,他一定有罪。F~his appearance,you wouldn't think he was old. 从他的外表上看,你不会认为他老了。

(12) (表示差别,区别) (indicating a distinction):tell one twin~the other把双胞胎区别开;be different~sb in character在性格方面与某人不同;know a fake~the original 能区别真品与赝品;

(13) (表示位置或立场、观点) (using (the stated thing) as a position;used to indicate a standpoint):F~the top of the bus/the hill,you could see... 从公共汽车的顶层/山顶你可以看到…… look at sb~over the top of one's newspaper 从报纸的上边看某人;~sb's point of view (fig) 根据某人的观点;

from on从……起(往后):~then/that day on从那时/那天起;I'll be more careful~now on. 从今以后我要更加仔细。





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