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单词 火上加油

火上加油火上浇油;火上添油huǒ shàng jiā yóu

pour (/feed/add) fuel (/oil) to the flames(/fire); add insult to injury; aggravate the sit uation: fiery; inflame (one's anger); rouse sb to still greater fury; stir things up
❍ 还有东府里你珍大哥哥的爷爷,那才是‘~’的性子,说声恼了,什么儿子,竟是审贼! (《红楼梦》 556) As for your cousin Zhen's grandfather in the East Mansion,he had sueh a fiery temper he’d flare up at a word,grilling his son as if11e were a brigand. /郭彩娣站在那儿早就不耐烦了,见她接头,如同~,大声问道: “你摆不摆平?” (周而复《上海的早晨》 I —52) Guo Caidi had by now grown impatient standing there and now the sight of her mending the broken thread was adding insult t o i n jury and she burst out. “Are you going to shut down or aren't you?”/外加上有的封建思想很浓的老太婆有心无意地给他~,他们碰见阿洪就讥诮说: “你算什么男子汉,连个老婆都降不了!”(黎汝清《海岛女民兵》107) On top of that,old women who knew no better because they were steeped in feudal thjnking constantly fed fresh ruel t o t he flames by mocking Ahong with,“Call yourself a man? Why can't you even keep your own wife in her place! ”/这个秦明,又是一个性急的人,听了这话,正是炉中添炭,~。(《水浒全传》797) Now Qin Ming heard this and it was as though coals were heaped upon a fire and oi l poured upon the flames.
❍ 贾政正要再打,一见王夫人进来,更加~,那板子越下去的又狠又快。(《红楼梦》 399) His wife’s arrival roused Jia Zheng t o still greater f u ry and he belabpured his son yet more mercilessly.
❍ 碰坏了车,自然要赔钱; 这更使他焦躁,火上加了油,为怕惹出更大的祸,他有时候懊睡一整天。(老舍 《骆驼样子》) Of course,he had to pay for the damages and tmis added fuel to the fir e of his desperatiom; so that. to avoid even greater calanlities,he sometirues slept for a whole day at a time.

火上加油huo shang jia you

pour oil on the flames


pouring oil on the fire;adding fuel to the flames

火上加油加(浇)huǒ shànɡ jiā yóu

往火上倒油。比喻有意增加别人的愤怒,或使事态扩大。pour oil on the fire, add fuel to the flames(fire), stir sth. up





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