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Ⅰ ❶ (物体燃烧时所发的光和焰) fire: 生 ~ make a fire;
微 ~ small fire;
文 ~ slow [soft] fire;
这屋里有 ~。 There's a fire in the room. 玩 ~ 者必自焚。 He who plays with fire gets bured.
❷ (枪炮弹药) firearms;ammunition: 交 ~ exchange shots;
停 ~ cease fire;
他们向敌人开 ~。 They opened fire on the enemy.
❸ {医} (中医指引起发炎、红肿、烦躁等症状的病因) internal heat (one of the six causes of disease): 败 ~ relieve inflammation or internal heat
❹ (暴躁;愤怒) anger;temper: 冒 ~ burn with anger;get angry;
心头 ~ 起 flare up in anger;
你怎么这么大的 ~ 儿? Why are you in such a temper?
❺ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 济 Huo Ji Ⅱ ❶ (红色) fiery;flaming: ~ 红 red as fire;flaming
❷ (紧急) urgent;pressing: ~ 速回电。 Cable reply immediately. Ⅲ (发怒) get angry;lose temper: 他 ~ 儿了。 He flared up. 有一次他 ~ 了,和我们吵了起来。 Once he lost his temper and quarreled with us.
◆火把 torch;
火把齐明 Lighted torches sprang up on all sides.;
火坝 boiler bridge;bridge in furnace;fire bridge;
火棒 lighted torch (used in acrobatics); 火暴[爆] [方] fiery;irritable;
火并 open fight between factions;
火(石)玻璃 flint glass;
火草 fire weed;
火柴 match;
火柴盒 matchbox;
火铲 [美方] peel;
火场 the scene of a fire;fireground;
火车 train;
火车上交货价格 free on rail;
火炽 lively;bustling with noise and excitement;
火虫 fireworm;
火底 ashes,etc. after a fire;
火电厂 heat-engine plant;
火电站 thermal power station;
火端 fire end;
火筏 fire raft;
火夫 [旧] stoker;fireman;mess cook;
火耕水耨 burn straws and weeds and water the land — primitive method of farming;
火工 firer;
火攻 fire attack (using fire as a weapon against enemy personnel and installations);
火管试验 fire-tube test;
火罐 {中医} cupping jar;
火光 flare;blaze;flame;the light or glow of fire;
火光灼天 Flames redden the sky.;Flames rose high toward the sky.;The fire illumines the sky.;The flames leaped to heaven.;The sky was lit with flames.;The sky was reddened with the flames.;
火棍 Indian club;
火锅 chafing dish;
火海 a sea of fire;
火红 red as fire;fiery;flaming;
火红耙脂鲤 flame characin;flame fish;
火候 duration and degree of heating,cooking,smelting,ect.;level of attainment;
火狐 red fox;
火花 spark;spark discharge;spark-over;scintillance;flake;trigatron;cremation;{电工} electric spark;
火花塞 {机} sparking plug;spark plug;ignition plug;
火化 cremation;
火浣布 asbestos;
火鸡 turkey;
火急 urgent;pressing;
火碱 caustic soda;
火剪 fire-tongs;tongs;curling tongs;curling irons;
火箭 {航空} rocket;fire arrow;bird;
火箭发射 rocket launching;
火箭技术 rocketry;
火箭筒 {航空} rocket launcher;bazooka;rocket tube;
火胶棉 pyroxylin;collodion (cotton);
火借风势 There arose a mighty wind and the fire went rolling and blazing.;Fanned by the wind,the fire burned furiously.;the wind rising,the flames spread to ...;
火井 [方] gas well;
火警 fire alarm;fire police;
火镜 convex lens;
火酒 [方] (酒精) alcohol;
火锯 fire saw;
火炬 torch light;torch;
火炬如龙 Torches form a long (fiery) dragon.;
火炕 heated brick bed;heated kang;
火坑 fiery pit;pit of hell;abyss of suffering;
火恐怖 pyrophobia;
火控 {军} fire control;
火口 burner;{地质} crater;
火辣辣 burning;
火烙铁 firing iron;
火力 {军} firepower;fire;thermal power;heat power;
火镰 steel (for flint);
火亮 bright;illuminated;
火烈鸟 flamingo;
火猎 fire hunt;
火流星 {天} bolide;fireball;
火龙 fiery dragon;a procession of lanterns or torches;[方] an air channel from a brick kitchen stove to a chimney;flue;
火炉 stovepipe;(heating) stove;
火帽 {军} detonating cap;percussion cap;cap;
火冒三丈 fly into a rage;burst into a fury;fire ... with fury;flare up into a fury;fly into a towering passion;hit the roof at ... in a towering rage;One was so enraged that he nearly went up in smoke.;
火煤[媒] kindling;
火门 vent;nipple;
火苗 a tongue of flame;flame;
火磨 electric mill;
火泥 chamotte;fire clay;
火鸟 firebird;
火捻 kindling;fuse;
火炮 {军} artillery;cannon;gun;
火盆 fire basket;fired devil;hibachi;fire pan;brazier;
火漆 sealing wax;
火器 firearm;
火气 {中医} internal heat;anger;temper;
火钳 snapdragon;fire-tongs;tongs;fire poker;poker;
火枪 roer;firelock;
火墙 a wall with flues for space heating;hot wall;bag-wall;network of fire;
火桥 bag-wall;altar;
火情 fire behavior;
火球 fireball;
火区封闭 fire area sealing;
火驱 fireflood;fireflooding;
火圈 pyrosphere;
火雀 fire finch;
火燃眉睫 close at hand;very urgent;pressing;
火热 burning hot;fervent;fiery;intimate;
火热内生 {中医} endogenous fire formation;
火绒 (引火物) tinder;
火伞 summer sunshine;
火伞高张 The sun is shining fiercely.;
火色 [方]condition of fire (as for cooking);strength of fire;{冶} hot- tining;heat colours;
火山 {地质} volcano;burning mountain;
火山岛 volcanic island;
火山灰 {地质} cinerite,tephros;tephra;trass volcanic ash;
火山活动 volcanism;volxanism;volcanic activity;
火山口 {地质} crater;volcanic vent;
火山砾 volcanic pisolite;lipilli;[意] lapilli;lapillus;
火山喷发 {地质} paroxysmal eruption;Plinian eruption;Vesuvian eruption;Vulcanian eruption;
火山学 {地质} volcanology;
火山岩 {地质} extrusive rcck;volcanic rock;volcanics;lava;
火山渣 cinder;scoria;slag;
火伤 burn (caused by fire);a blister caused by burning;
火上加油 pour oil on the fire [flames] — inflame one's anger;pour oil over the flames;throw the fat in the fire;
火上添薪 feed [add] fresh fuel to the fire [flames];give fuel to fire;
火烧 burn;
火烧火燎 feeling terribly hot;restless with anxiety;
火烧眉毛 Fire catches the eyebrows — extremely urgent.;(as) fire singes one's eyebrows;at a [the] critical moment;in imminent danger;One was as excited inside as if one's eye-brows had caught fire.;The fire is now singeing one's eyebrows — an imminent crisis.;
火烧云 morning glow;evening glow;crimson clouds at sunrise (sunset);resplendent sunset;
火烧 {食品} baked wheaten cake;
火舌 fireflow;tongues of fire;licking flame;
火神 (in Chinese mythology) the god of fire;
火绳 match;a rope of plaited plants burnt as a mosquito repellent;
火石 fire-stone;flint;
火势控制 control of fire;
火试金法 fire assaying;
火树石 flint;
火树银花 fiery trees and silver flowers — display of fireworks and a sea of lanterns (on a festival night);bonfires display;brilliantly lighted garden [place];火速 at top speed;posthaste;
火损 fire damage;
火炭 live charcoal;
火烫 very hot;scalding;have one's hair permed;perm;
火头 flame;duration and degree of heating,cooking,smelting,etc.;fit of anger;blaze of temper;flare-up;anger;a house where a fire started;
火头儿上 at the height of one's anger;
火腿 (腌制的猪腿) gammon;ham;
火网 {军} network of fire;fire net;
火尾鸟 firetail;
火险 fire insurance;fire danger;
火线 battle line;firing line;{电} live wire;caustic line;power line;wire under voltage;wire;
火箱 fire box;
火硝 {化} saltpetre;
火邪 {中医} fire-evil;
火星 spark;sparkle;spunk;flake;{天} Mars;
火刑 death by fire;
火性 [口] bad temper;hot temper;quick-tempered;
火烟检测 fire-smoke detection;
火眼 {医} pinkeye;an eye inflammation;
火眼金睛 piercing eye;penetrating insight;ability to see things and people [a brick wall];sharp eyes;sharp-sighted;clairvoyant;
火堰 fire bridge;
火焰 {化} flame;blaze;
火焰冲天 Flames mount to heaven.;
火焰发射 flame emission;
火焰喷射 flame jet;jet of flame;
火焰喷射器 flame thrower火药 gunpowder;powder;
火药味 the smell of gunpowder;
火疫病 fire blast;
火疫疡 fire blight;
火引子 material for starting fire;
火印 hot stamp;a mark burned on bamboo or wooden articles;brand;
火萤 {无脊椎} firefly;
火油 [方] kerosene;
火灾 fire (as a disaster);conflagration;
火灾损失 fire damage;
火在远处是明灯,它在近处烧灼人 The fire which lights up at a distance will burn us when near.;
火葬 cremation;
火仗风势 The wind pressed and the fire became fast and fierce.;
火针疗法 red-hot needle therapy;
火针术 ignipuncture;pyropuncture;pyronyxis;caloripuncture;
火证 {中医} fire syndrome;
火纸 touch paper;
火制 {中药} fire preparing (包括炒、煅、煨、炙);火质图 geologic map of Mars;
火中取栗 pull chestnuts out of the fire — gain profit in risk;be a cat's paw;
火种 kindling material;kindling;tinder;live cinders kept for starting a new fire;
火烛 things that may cause a fire;
火烛小心 Caution against fire.;Be careful of the lights.;Be careful with fire!;火主 a house where a fire started;
火砖 firebrick;fire-clay brick;furnace brick;refractory brick




【医学】internal heat—one of the six causes of diseases








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