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单词 dissolve
释义 dissolve ,/di'zolv; dfzalv/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A] (of a liquid) soak into a solid so that the solid itself becomes liquid: (指液体)溶解: Water salt. 水溶解盐。 2 [VP2A, 3A] ~ (in), (of a solid) become liquid as the result of being taken into a liquid: (指固体在液体中)溶解: Salt ~s in water. 盐在水中溶解。 3 [VP6A, 14] ~〃时,cause (a solid) to 使(固体)溶解: He ~d the salt in water. 他使盐在水中溶解。 4 [VP2A, C] disappear; fade away: 消失; 消散: The view ~d in mist. 那景色在雾中消失了。 5 [VP6A, 2A] bring to, come to, an end: 畚弃: to ~ a business partnership/a marriage/ Parliament. 结束商业上的合伙关系(解除婚约; 解散国会)。 Parliament ~d. 国会解散亍。




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