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单词 one


1. half of two 一。
△Ham.5.2.74:“And a man’s life’s no more than to say ‘One’.” i.e. A man’s life isshort; a man can be quickly killed. at the word“One”.一个人的生命可以在说一个“一”字的一刹那之间了结。(又译:人生苦短,原是一瞬就过。)
2. a single person一个人。
△Mid.5.1.314(307):“forhe is but one.”因为他只是孤零零一个人。
3. one extra person,an additional man 一个额外的人,一个增加的人。
△H.V.4.3.77: “Which likes me betterthan to wish us one.”这比希望我们多增加一个人更让我高兴。


a. and the same同一的。
△1H.IV.1.1.9: “Thoseopposed eyes. / Which,like the meteors of a troubledheaven,/ All of one nature. of one substance bred,”(Meteors were supposed to be formed from vapoursdrawn up from the earth by the sun.)那些互相敌对的眼睛,像那些扰乱天空的流星,本来都产生自同一种气体,同一种本质。
2. the same一样的。
△Tw.1.5.136(129): “Well,it’sall one.”好吧,那是一样的。
3. single,all-engulfing单一的,吞没一切的。
△2H.IV.1.1.157: “But let one spirit of the first-born Cain/Reign in all bosoms,”让第一个杀人犯该隐的吞没一切的精神主宰着所有人的胸怀。
4. united in amity和好一致的。
△H.VIII.5.3.180(5.2.214): “As I have made ye one,lords,one remain.”我既已使你们和好一致,你们就永远和好吧。
all is one: it is all the same; it does not matter反正都一样;没有关系。
△R.III.5.3.8:“But where to-morrow?Well,all’s one for that.”但是明天又在哪里呢? 唉,这都没有关系了。
all one: all the same完全一样。
△2H.VI.3.1.248:“Were’t not all one. an empty eagle were set/ Toguard the chicken from a hungry kite,/As placeDuke Humphrey for the King’s Protector?”用一只空肚子的老鹰去保护小鸡不受饿鸢伤害,跟让亨弗雷公爵去做国王的保护人.岂不完全是 一回事吗?
△R.III.4.4.304 (303): “Ofall one pain,save for a night of groans / Endured ofher.”分娩的苦痛完全一样了,除了临盆一夜的呻吟是要她自己去忍受的。
one by another: side by side 并肩,并排着,在一起。
△ Mer.3.5.23(22): “e’en as many as could well live one by another.”人已经多得刚刚能够在一起凑乎过日子。
one day: in one day,on the same day在同一天。
△Tw.5.1.328(316):“My lord. so please you,thesethings further thought on (i.e,when you have givenmore thought to these things),/ To think me as wella sister as a wife,/ One day shall crown the allianceon’t (i. e. of the double marriage),”殿下,你若是愿意,等你把这些事情再考虑一番之后,请你还是把我当做一个妹妹、而不是妻子看待,那么在同一天就可以庆祝我们两家的婚礼。
one knave: not doubly knavish只做过一次坏事的人(还不是双料的坏蛋)。
△Gent.3.1.264(265): “but that’s allone,if he be but one knave,”如果他只做过这么一次坏事,也就罢了。
one the least: the very least 一星半点的,很少的
△H.VIII.2.4.151 (154): “spake one the least word”,说过一言半语。
one thing: something某事。
△2H.IV.2.2.37(32):“Shall I tell thee one thing,Poins?”我告诉你一件事好吗,波因斯?
one way: one way or another 不管怎样,总得采取一种方式。
△Ado.2.1.200 (191): “You must wear it oneway,for the Prince hath got your Hero.”你必须采取一种方式把它戴上,因为亲王已经得到了你的希罗。
that’s all one: that does not matter. no matter那没啥,没关系。
△1H.IV.4.2.52(47):“But that’s all one.they’ll find linen enough on every hedge.”i.e.theywill steal the linen washing put out to dry in the sunby housewives on every hedge.不过这都没关系.反正他们要找衬衫,每个篱笆上晾的都有。


num.& n.一,一个
◇ a fast one诡计/a hot one非常滑稽/a hundred one许多
all in one一手包办
as one man一致的
be one with和…意见一致
by ones and twos三三两两的
number one许多
one after another一个接一个
one and all大家
One cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.巧妇难为无米之炊。One divides into two.一分为二。One good turn deserves another.善有善报。one on one直接交流
one up略胜某人一等
One who plays with fire gets burned.玩火者自焚。
‖one-act play独幕剧
one all (比分)一平
one and many 一 与 多
one-and-one-half-stride hitch-kick两步半走步式跳远
one and only唯一的
one-arm back handspring单臂后手翻
one-arm balance单臂倒立
one-arm cartwheel单臂侧手翻
one-arm chin单臂引体向上
one arm bicep curl单臂二头肌弯曲
one arm curl单臂弯曲
one-arm handspring单臂手翻
one-arm handstand单臂手倒立
one-arm lift单臂托举
one arm lift over单臂直臂下压
one-arm planche单臂水平支撑
one arm pullover单臂前拉
one arm reverse curl单臂弯曲
one arm standing row单臂站式拉背
one arm trial单手举
one at the vanguard of current events弄潮儿
one ball还有一次发球
one-ball team golf两队高尔夫球
one bar cross shoulder balance 一杠上侧向肩倒立
one center 5-1配备
One Central Task,Two Basic Points “一个中心,两个基本点” / One-Child Policy独生子女政策
One-China Principle“一个中国”的原则
One Country,Two Systems“一国两制”/ one-court basketball用半个场地练习比赛
one-curve race只有一个弯道的赛跑
one-day race单日赛
one-day trip一日游
one-dimensional quality片面性
one-dimensional space一维空间
one does not do that which one has learned学非所用
one down一人出局,失去第一次发球权
one-element predicate一元谓词
one-foot Axel-Paulsen同足前外一周半跳
one foot back一人跟在脚后
one foot backward stop单脚向后急停
one-foot eight单腿8字形
one-foot figure单脚图形
one-foot Lutz jump同脚外钩一周半跳
one-foot spin单脚旋转
one-foot upright spin单脚直立旋转
one for each half of the playing area一人负责半场
one full year of life周岁
one game apiece双方各胜一局
one game each双方各胜一局
one-goal basketball用半个场地练习比赛
one-group method单组法
one hand balance单臂倒立
one hand ball catching单手接球
one hand clean and jerk单臂挺举
one hand dead lift单臂提铃,单臂硬举
one-hand jump push shot用靠近篮一侧的手跳投
one hand lasso lift单臂托举两周半
one hand military press单手推举
one hand out失去第一次发球权
one-hand overhead shot单手头上投篮
one-hand pass单手传球
one-hand pick up单手捡球
one-hand set shot单手原地投篮
one-hand shot单手投篮,单手射门
one-hand shoulder shot单手肩上射门
one hand side press单臂侧举
one hand snatch with the left arm左手单臂抓举
one hand snatch单臂抓举
one hand toss单手托球
one hand underhand pass单手低手传球
one hand一次发球权
one hit two run一次安打得两分
one hopper back一跳反弹球
One Hundred Excel Enterprises “百强企业”/one hundred meters一百米比赛
one in a hundred百里挑一
one in the dark暗柱
one key play一键演奏
One is never too old to lear n. 活到老,学到老。one-leg pick-up and inside trip抱异名腿后绊
one-man attack单一进攻
one-man block单人拦网
one-man business独资企业
one man change一个替补员
one man climbing单人登山
one-man company独资公司
one-man dash单刀直入快攻
one-man foxhole单人散兵坑
one-man jikansa attack单人时间差进攻
one-man press单人紧逼,一人突前的区域联防
one-man submarine单人潜艇
one-man team一个主力队员的队
one-many mapping一多映射
one-many relationship一多关系
one meter罚退一米
one-meter springboard一米跳板
one minute more还有一分钟
one-missile hit导弹单发命中
one more还有一次(机会)/ one-name paper单名票据
one-net spike两次球
one o’clock angle 30°角,右前方角
one o’clock position 30°角位置,右前方位置
one of the ancient styles of Chinese calligraphy隶书
one off three三穴让一击
one-off settlement grant一次过定居补助金
one off two隔穴让一击,两穴让一击
one off two one on一击打上球穴草地one on一击打上球穴草地
one-one correspondence一一对应
one one draw一比一
one-one maping一一映射
one-one-three zone defence 1-1-3区域联防
one-on -one 一打一
one out失去第一次发球权
one over the fence本垒打
one-package (plan)一揽子(计划)one parent family单亲家庭
One party States一党制国家
One-Party System一党制
one-pass attack两次扣球
one person alone having the final way个人说了算
one person household 单身户
one piece swing连续挥棒击球动作
one-place predicate一元谓词
one point penalty一分的处罚
one-point scale单一薪点薪级
one-post grade单一职位职系
one put一击入穴
one-quarter squat预蹲起
one room schoolhouse单班学校
one round of talks一轮会谈
one-seater kayak单人皮艇
one-sell entry fee一次性门票
one-set spike两次球,一传后扣球
one-setter system 5-1配备,五攻一传
one shot hole一击可到的球穴
one-shot missile 一次使用导弹
one-sided 比赛一边倒的,单方面(的)/one-sided affair一边倒的比赛
one-sided game一边倒的比赛
one side love单相思
one sided view偏见,片面观点
one skate stop单脚急停
one-sorted logic单属逻辑
one-sorted predicate calculus单属谓词演算
one-sorted quantification单属量化
one step一步舞
one-step approach一步助跑
one-step hook shot一步钩手投篮
one- step skirt一步裙
one-tailed test单侧检验
one teacher school单师学校
One Thousand and One Nights 《一千零一夜》 / one-three-one offence 1-3-1进攻
one-three-one zone defence 1-3-1区域联防
onetime capital故都
one to naught一比零
one-to-one corelation一一对应
one-touch passing 一脚传球
one-touch play一脚球
one-trial learning一次尝试学习
one-two attack两次球
one-two count三步上篮的最后两步
one-two punch连续左右猛击
one two straight连续左右直拳
one-two-three defiance 2-3 防守 阵式
one-two-two zone defiance 1-2-2区域联防
one-valued logic单值逻辑
one versus one game对打垫,一对一练习
one was demoted and his (her) property confiscated革职查办
one way单程
one-way communication单轨传达
oneway communication单向通信
oneway flight单向飞行
one-way logic单向逻辑
one-way relay普通接力
one-way screen单向选择,一垒安打
oneway signal单向信号
one will not easily paint惜墨如金
one word sentence单词句
one’s better feelings良心
one’s blind side缺点,弱点
one’s direct superior顶头上司
one’s family家眷
one’s immediate or vital interests切身利益
one’s job本职
one’s juniors晚辈
one’s life experience身世
one’s lot身世,境遇
one’s mind is perturbed动心
one’s name on the school roll学籍
one’s native country本土
one’s old school母校
one’s opponent in a debate论敌
one’s own country’s guest内宾
one’s own half of the field本区
one’s own quality自身素质
one’s personal record履历
one’s proper business正事
one’s senior relatives尊亲
one’s trusted aide亲信
one’s whereabouts have been unknown下落不明
one’s year of birth considered in relation to the 12 Terrestrial Branches本命年
one-bagger n.一垒安打
one-base hit adj. 一对一的,一垒打
one-dimensional adj. 一 维 的
one-dimensionality n. 片面性
oneness n.完整,统一
oneness n. 唯一,统一一个人
one-place adj. 一元的
oneself[ˈwʌnself]pron. 自己,自身
◇by oneself单独
for oneself为自己
of oneself自动地
to oneself为个人所有
one-sided adj. 片面的
one-sidedness n. 片面性
one-sorted adj.单属的
one-up v.领先,胜过
oneway n.单程,单向





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