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单词 complain
complain/kəm′pleɪn/ v

(1)抱怨,诉苦(say that one is annoyedunhappydissatisfiedetc)[II+prep(to)(about/of),T+thatD+prep(to)+that](常derog):She is always~ing.她老是抱怨。~(to sb) of ill treatment/sb's rudeness/sb's vulgarity/being underpaid/having been kept waiting(向某人)抱怨受到了虐待/某人粗鲁/某人粗俗/工资太低/等得太久;~about food/neighbours/weather/working overtime/sb's neglecting housework抱怨饭食/邻居/天气/超时工作/某人不干家务;~(to sb) that one's meal was cold/there was not enough hot water(向某人)抱怨说饭菜是凉的/热水不够用;〖反〗praise ;approve,appreciate;

(2)投诉(make a report or accusation about sb or sth one considers annoyingtroublesomewrongetc)[I+prep(to)(about/of)]:~(to the headmaster) about a boy/the unruly behaviour of a boy(向校长)告一个孩子的状/埋怨一个孩子很难管;~(to the manager) of the discourtesy of an assistant/a mistake in one's bill(向经理)投诉一个售货员无礼/账单有误;

(3)诉说(病痛)(say that one is suffering from sthesp a painetc)[I+prep(of)]:~of a headache/an ache in one's back/difficulty in breathing/the cold诉说头痛/背痛/呼吸困难/感冒了。

→com′plainer n 抱怨者;com′plainant n 原告;com′plaining adj 抱怨的,诉苦的;com′plainingly adv 抱怨(诉苦)地;com-′plaint n;

【用法】在表示所抱怨的内容的名词(如:headache)前用of;在笼统地表示所抱怨的事情的名词(如:weather)前用about;to 后接抱怨的对象。





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