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单词 snow
snow/snǝ ʊ, AmE snoʊ/ n & v

n (1)雪;积雪(frozen water vapour that falls to the earth in soft and white pieces in cold weather;layer of such pieces spread on the ground)[U]:Northern countries have many heavy falls of~. 北方国家常下大雪。 disappear in the whirling~消失在漫天飞舞的大雪中;about 15 centimetres of~大约15厘米厚的雪;take a walk/a play in the~在雪中散步/玩耍;as white as~洁白如雪;~scope 雪景;

(2)降雪(fall of snow)[C,通常pl](fml):A heavy~was falling. 正在下大雪。one of the heaviest~s this winter 这个冬天最大的几场雪之一;have a~下场雪;

→′snowy adj 积雪的,被雪覆盖的;下雪的;(像刚下的雪那样)洁白的;′snowball n 雪球;v 扔雪球,打雪仗;迅速增长;′snow-blind adj 雪盲的;′snow-blindness n 雪盲(症);′snow-blower n 吹雪机;′snowthrower n 扫雪机;′snow-bound adj 被雪困住的;′snow-capped adj 有雪冠(盖)的;′snow-covered adj 被雪覆盖的;′snow-drift n(被风吹成的)雪堆;′snowdrop n 雪花莲;′snowfall n 降雪;降雪量;′snow-field n 雪原(野);′snowflake n 雪花(片);′snow-goose n 雪雁;′snow-leopard n 雪豹;′snow-line n 雪线;′snow-maker n 人工造雪机;′snowman n 雪人;′snow-mobile n 摩托雪橇;′snow-plough,(AmE)′snow-plow n 除雪机;′snow-scope n 雪景;′snow-shed n 防雪棚;′snow-shoe n 雪鞋;′snowstorm n 暴风雪;snow-′white adj 雪白的;

v(1)下(降)雪(fall as snow)[I]:Is it~ing outside? 外面在下雪吗? It began to~. 开始下雪了。

(2)用花言巧语蒙骗(说服)(deceive or persuade by fine words)(AmE,infml)[T+n]:be~ed by sb's smooth and polite talk 被某人圆滑而文雅的花言巧语所骗;

snow in/up (v adv)被大雪所困(vt,通常pass):They were~ed in at home for several days. 他们被雪困在家中达数日之久。In the winter,the farm is often~ed up for several weeks. 冬天农场经常数周被大雪所困。

snow off (v adv)因下雪停止举行(vt,通常pass):The match was~ed off last Saturday. 上周六比赛因大雪而被取消。

snow under (v adv)使不胜负荷(vt,通常pass):Don't give me any extra jobs;I'm~ed under already. 别再给我增加工作了,我已经忙得不可开交了。





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