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单词 slip
slip1/slɪp/ v [-pp-];n

v (1)滑跤,失足(slide suddenly and accidentally) [I I+prep (on),I+adv (over),I+adv (over) prep (on)]:Her foot~ped and she fell. 她脚下一滑摔倒了。He~ped and hurt his leg/fell on the path. 他滑了一跤摔伤了腿/摔倒在路上。Mind you don't~. 当心别摔倒。~(over) on the ice 在冰上滑倒;~down the embankment 滑下堤坝;〖同〗 slide;

(2)滑落(脱)(fallget away by being difficult to hold)[I+prep (from/out of/through),I+adv(out/through)]:The cup/bottle/fish~ped from/out of her hand. 那杯子/瓶子/鱼从她手中滑落(滑走)。The jug~ped to the floor. 那罐子滑落到地板上。 His quilt~ped off the bed. 他的被子滑下了床。The sand~ped through her finger.沙子从她的指缝中滑落。

(3)轻快地移动(move smoothly and easily)[I+prepI+adv]:The yacht~s through the water. 这游艇在水上行驶得多么轻快。This drink/wine~s down easily. 这饮料/酒很好喝。The medicine~ped down well enough. 这药很容易就吞下去了。

(4)滑离原来的位置(shift away accidentally from the proper place or position)[II+prepI+adv]:The beams supporting the mine's roof were beginning to~. 支撑矿顶的横梁开始滑离原位。He thought he was safe on the branch,until his foot~ped off it and he fell to the ground. 他以为在树杈上很安全,结果脚下一滑,跌到地上。

(5)溜,悄悄的,不知不觉地过去(move quietlysecretly or unnoticed)[I+prepI+adv]:~into the harbour at night/out of a room/to the front door/through the air-port's security net 夜间溜进港口/溜出房间/溜到前门/悄悄穿过机场安全网;~away/by without being seen 悄悄过去而未被人看到;How time~s away!(fig)时间过得多快啊! as the years~ped by/past (fig) 随着岁月的流逝;

(6)悄悄放(塞)入(putplace or insert sth somewhere secretly or unnoticed)[T+n+prepT+n+advD+n+nD+n+prep(to)]:~a letter (some money) into sb' hands/one's pocket 把一封信(一些钱)悄悄塞进某人手中/自己口袋中;~a few jokes into a speech 在讲话中巧妙地插进几个笑话;~the letter back in its envelope 把信塞回信封内;~sb a ten-dollar bill 偷偷塞给某人一张10美元钞票;~a note to sb 偷偷塞给某人一个便条;〖同〗steal,pass;

(7)迅速(匆匆)穿上(脱下)(put on or take off quickly)[I+prep (into/out of),T+n+prep (over/round),T+n+adv (on/off)]:~into a dressing-gown/out of one's jacket 迅速穿上晨衣/脱下外衣;~the sweater over one's head 匆匆套上毛衣;~a shawl/a coat round/over one's shoulders 迅速围上披肩/上衣;~on/off one's shoes (one's old clothes) 迅速穿上/脱下鞋(旧衣服);Jack~ped his coat off and jumped into the river to save the drowning child. 杰克匆匆脱下上衣跳入河中去救那个溺水的孩子。

(8)逃(摆,挣)脱(escape or get free from)[T+n]:~one's pursuers 摆脱追赶者;The horse~ped its halter and run out of the barn. 那匹马挣脱缰绳奔出牲口棚。That problem (date/matter)~ped my attention/my mind/my memory.(fig)那个问题(个日期/件事情)我忽略(忘记)了。The snake~ped its skin. 蛇蜕了皮。〖同〗escape;

(9)放开(掉,出)(get sth loose or free from;release)[T+nT+n+prep (from/off)]:~a knot/a stitch 解开一个结/漏掉一针;~the dog and make it run for the fox 放出狗去追狐狸;~a hound from the leash/a rope off a hook 解开皮带放出猎狗/把绳子从钩上解下来;

(10)疏漏,出差错(make a slight mistake) [II+adv (up)]:I'm sorry about my mistake — I must be~ping! 对我的错误感到很抱歉,我一定是疏忽了!~up in one's calculations/in ones's grammar/on the last question 计算/语法/最后一个问题出差错; ~up on the date 弄错了日子;〖同〗mistake,error;

(11)(身体等)越来越差(变坏)(fall from a standard)[I]:The patient's condition/His work/His health is~ping. 病人的状况/他的工作/他的身体每况愈下。Sales~ped sharply last year. 去年的销售直线下降。

be slipping 不如平常(infml):I've forgotten your address again — I must be~ping. 我又忘了你的地址——我真是一天不如一天了。

let sth slip 1)错过:let~a chance 错过一次机会;2)无意间泄露:let~the truth/some remarks 无意中透露真情/说出几句评论的话;

→′slip-case n 书套;唱片套;′slip-knot n 滑结;活结;′slip-on n 套衬(鞋);adj 穿脱方便的;′slip-over adj 套头的;′slippage n下降,下跌;′slip-road n 侧(叉)道;′slip-stream n(飞机发动机引起的)尾流;(行驶中车辆后的)气流;′slip-up n 差错,失误;′spillway n 船台,下水滑道;′slipper n 浅口便鞋,拖鞋;′slippery adj 滑的;滑头的;棘手的;

n(1)滑跤(倒),失足(act of slipping)[C,通常sing]:take a bad~on the icy sidewalk/a banana peel 在结冰的人行道上/踩在香蕉皮上狠摔一跤;That was a nasty~,and he broke his leg. 那重重的一跤使他摔断了腿。 〖同〗slide,fall;

(2)疏漏,差错(small careless mistake)[C]:make a~in the accounts/the sum/grammar 这些账目中/这笔钱中/语法上出个错;That wasn't really a mistake;it was only a~. 那不是个真正的错误,只是个疏漏。 a~of the pen/the tongue/the lip 笔误/口误/口误;〖同〗error,mistake;

(3)衬裙(woman's undergarment made like a low-cutsleeveless dress)[C]:need/wear a~under that sheer dress 在那件透明薄裙里需要/穿一条衬裙;〖同〗underdress





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