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单词 so
so1/sǝ ʊ, AmE soʊ/ adv [无 comp

(1)以这(那)种方式;这(那)样(in this way or in that way;thus) Watch me:you should hold the pencil~. 看着我,你应该这样握铅笔。Do it just~. 就这样干。In doing~,she gave a little sigh. 做着做着,她轻轻叹息了一声。S~the story goes. 故事是这样的。

(2)也;同样的(alsotoo;likewise)(后面接be/have/do 情态v +主语):He is married and~am I. 他结婚了,我也结婚了。“I've made up my mind.” “S~have I.” “我已拿定了主意。”“我也是。” He likes the book and~do I. 他喜欢那本书,我也喜欢。If your brother Adam can do it,~can I. 如果你兄弟亚当能做那件事,我也能。

(3)很,非常,十分 (extremely;very): It's~good of you!你真好!Thank you~much. 非常感谢你。I'm~glad to see you. 见到你我非常高兴。He was~big,~handsome,~forceful. 他非常高大,英俊,有力气。I have~much to do today. 我今天有许多事情要做。

(4)是的,不错(用以表达同意)(used to express agreement)(后面接主语+ be/have/do/情态v):“It was cold yesterday.” “S~it was.” “昨天天气很冷。” “是的,是很冷。” “They went there last year.” “S~they did.” “他们去年去那里了。” “是的。” We hope to succeed and~we shall. 我们希望能成功,我们也一定会成功。

(5)达到如此的程度(to such an extent or degree)(用在adj或adv之前):He wasn't~busy/fat/angry. 他没有这么忙/胖/生气。Don't walk~fast/leave~soon. 别走得这么快/早。

(6)如此(用来避免重复)(used to avoid repetition)(尤用于believe、hope、suppose、tell、say、do等动词后):“Shakespeare was born in 1564,wasn't he?” “I believe~.”“莎士比亚生于1564年,不是吗?”“我想是的”。“Are you going to play football tomorrow?” “I hope~”. “你打算明天去踢球吗? ” “我希望能去”。He was trying to follow her example but could not do~. 他试图以她为榜样,但做不到。

(7)(不)像 …… 一样(用于比较)(used in making comparisons)(用于(not) so+adj/adv+as 结构):He is not~good a teacher as his wife. 他不像他的妻子那样教得好。 I'm neither~young as you think nor~ignorant. 我既不像你所想的那样年轻,也不像你所想的那样无知。It didn't take~long as last time/he had feared/we had expected. 这次不像上次/他所担心/我们所预料的那样花那么长的时间。

(8)达到 …… 程度(to the extent that one does sth)(用于so+adj/adv+as to do sth 的结构):Are you~naive as to believe his story? 你就这么天真竟然相信他的谎话? Would you be~good as to help me out of the difficulty? 烦请您帮我摆脱困境,行吗?

(9)如此 …… 以至于(表示结果)(showing the results)(用于so+adj/adv +(that)结构):It was~dark that I couldn't see the faces of my companions. 天很黑,我看不清同伴们的脸。My mother lives~far away that we hardly ever see her. 我母亲住得很远,我们几乎见不着她。

and so on/forth 等等;诸如此类:He dealt in chairs,tables,and~forth. 他经销桌椅等家具。

so as to do 以便,为了:We picked some apples~as to make a pie. 我们摘了一些苹果来做馅饼。

so be it 好吧;就这样吧:If you do not wish my friendship,~be it. 要是你不愿意和我交朋友,那就算了。

so many/much 1)这么多:I can do only~much work and no more. 我只能干这么多工作,不能再多了。2)不过是,全然:Everything he said was~much nonsense. 他所说的一切全然是废话。

so much for 就说(讲)到这里:S~much for that;let's talk about something else now. 这事就说到这儿吧,让我们谈点别的。

so that 1)以便;为的是:He wore a mask~that no one should recognise him. 他戴个面罩以便没人能认出他。2)那样……以致:One of her lungs is affected a little~that she has to rest. 她有一叶肺感染了,只得休息。

so ... that 那样 ……以致(参见上条之2)):He was~young that you must excuse him. 他这么年轻,你必须原谅他。

so to speak(引起一个比喻或夸张的说法)可说是:The dog is,~to speak,a member of the family. 这条狗可以说是那个家庭的一个成员。

with not/without so much as:甚至连……都没有:He departed without~much as a goodbye. 他甚至连一声再见都没说就走了。

→′so-and-so('s)n 某人(物);不讨人喜欢的人;͵so-′called adj 所谓的;号称的;

【辨异】so accordinglyconsequently therefore 的区别见ACCORDINGLY。





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