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Ⅰ ❶ (中间) between;among: 劳资之 ~ between labour and capital;
同志之 ~ among comrades;5点钟与6点钟之 ~ between five and six o'clock
❷ (一定的空间或时间里) with a definite time or space: 假期 ~ during the vacation;
世 ~ (in) the world;
田 ~ (in) the fields;
晚 ~ (in the) evening;(at) night
❸ (一间屋子;房间) room: 里[外] ~ inner [outer] room;
衣帽 ~ cloakroom
❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 广 Jian Guang Ⅱ (房屋的最小单位): 3 ~ 门面 a three-bay shop front;
一 ~ 茅屋 a hut;
一 ~ 卧室 a bedroom
另见 see also jiàn。
◆间不容发 not a hair's breadth in between;The situation is extremely critical.;
间架 form of a Chinese character;structure of an essay;
间接标价法 indirect quotation;
间接经济损失 indirect economic loss;
间距 interval;separation;spacing;espacement;space;spacing;space length;range;unpack;step;
间使 {穴位} Jianshi (P 5);间质 mesenchyme;mesenchyma;
间奏曲 intermezzo;entracte


Ⅰ (空隙) space in between;opening: 乘 ~ seize an opportunity;
亲密无 ~ closely united;on intimate terms Ⅱ ❶ (隔开) separate: 把一间屋 ~ 成两间 partition a room into two;
黑白相 ~ chequered with black and white;
晴 ~ 多云 fine with occasional clouds
❷ (挑拨使人不和;离间) sow discord: 离 ~ sow discord;drive a wedge between
❸ (拔去或锄去多余的幼苗) thin out (seedlings): ~ 玉米苗 thin out maize seedlings
另见 see also jiān。
◆间壁式回热器 recuperative regenerator;
间充质 mesenchyma;mesenchyme;
间谍 spy;secret agent;
间断 be disconnected;be interrupted;interval;leapfrogging;disjunction;break hiatus;hiatus;interruption;stop;pulsation;{地质} gap;
间发错误 intermittent error;
间发故障 intermittent fault;intermittent failure;
间格 compartment;
间隔 interval;space;spacing;blanking;blank;region;distance;gap;intermission;
间隔号 {语} separation dot,a punctuation mark;
间或 occasionally;now and then;sometimes;once in a while;
间接 indirect;secondhand;
间接测量 indirect measurement;indirect observation;
间临界点 {电工} diacritical point;
间苗 thin out seedlings;thinning;
间位 {有化} meta- position;
间隙 (空隙) interval;gap;freedom;space;{机} clearance;separation;stricture;clear;interspace;allowance;play;backlash;bottom clearance;cross gap;free distance;gapping place;space;spatium;yawn;{物} interstice;
间习期 probationary period;
间歇 intermittence;intermission;blank;interim;dwell;batch;pause;
间歇性 intermittent;
间歇振荡器 blocking oscillator;start-stop oscillator;squitter;
间作[种] {农} intercropping;interplant





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