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单词 smooth
smooth/smu:ð/ adj [-er/-est];vt

adj (1)平(光)滑的(having an even surfacelike glass or silk;not rough):a~road 平坦的路;~skin 光滑的皮肤;a~sea 风平浪静的海面;a~piece (sheet) of wood/ice 一块平整的木头/光滑的冰;be~to the touch 手感平滑的;~polished walnut 经抛光后平滑的胡桃木;as~as silk/satin/a baby's bottom/velvet 光滑如丝/如缎/如婴儿皮肤/如鹅绒;〖同〗even,flat,level,silky;〖反〗rough,uneven,irregular;

(2)平稳的(having an even or gentle motion):a~ride/landing/passage 平稳的行驶/降落/通过;~driving/breathing 平稳的驾驶/呼吸;have a~flight 平稳航行;bring a car to a~stop 平稳地把车停住;

(3)顺利的(free from difficultiesproblemsetc):a~day at the office 办公室顺顺当当的一天;as a~journey as possible 极为顺利的旅行;have a~passage through Parliament 在议会顺利通过;The changeover in management was very~. 管理上的交接进行得相当顺利。〖同〗harmonious,easy,peaceful;〖反〗disorderly,difficult,troublesome;

(4)柔(醇)和的(not bitter or sour;tasting pleasant):a~sherry/whiskey/pipe tobacco/cigar 味道醇美的雪利酒/威士忌/香醇的烟丝/柔和的雪茄烟;a~voice (fig)柔和的嗓音;〖同〗mild;〖反〗sharp;

(5)搅拌均匀的((of a liquid mixture) without lumps;evenly mixed or beaten):mix the ingredients to a~paste 把原料搅拌成细腻的浆糊;~custard 搅拌均匀的牛奶糊;She stirred the sauce until (it was)~. 她把调味汁搅拌均匀。

(6)奉承的,圆滑的((of men) overpraisingpolite and agreeable (but perhaps insincere))(常derog):a~manner/face/talker/salesman 一副奉承的样子/奉承的表情/说话圆滑的人/殷勤的推销员;〖同〗flattering;〖反〗rough,unpolished;

in smooth waters 进展顺利,一帆风顺:Everything seems to be in~waters. 一切似乎很顺利。

→′smoothie,smoothy (infml,derog) n 奉承而随和的人;′smoothly adv 平坦地;顺利地;′smoothness n 光(平)滑;顺利;͵smooth-′tongued,͵smooth-′spoken adj 油嘴滑舌的;

vt 使平坦(平稳,顺利)(make smooth)[T+nT+n+prepT+n+adv (away/back/down/out)]:~the plaster/ones's hair/one's dress (with an iron) 抹平灰泥/捋顺头发(用熨斗)烫平自己的衣服;~the way to peace/for sb 为和平/某人铺平道路;~the anger of the mob (fig)平息那伙人的愤怒;~back one's hair from his forehead 把头发由前向后捋平;~down one's hair/one's dress 捋平自己的头发/整平衣服;~wood down with sandpaper 用砂纸把木头打磨光滑;~out a tablecloth/a sheet 铺平台布/床单;〖同〗flatten,pave,open;〖反〗roughen;

smooth away (v adv)克服,消除(vt):The chairman has made efforts to~away any difficulties that might prevent our plan from being followed. 主席皆尽全力去克服那些可能妨碍我们计划实施的困难。

smooth over (v adv)平息,缓和(vt):The teacher~ed over the quarrel/the differences between the two boys. 老师平息了两个男生的争吵/争执。

【辨异】smooth easyeffortlesssimple light的区别见EASY。





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