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单词 smell
smell/smel/ v [-ed,-ed/d/or smeltsmelt/smelt/]; n

v (1)嗅(闻)到(出)(noticediscover or recognise by using the sense of the nose)[C+n+ingT+nT+that pass][不用prog](常与can、could 连用);~smoke/gas/flowers/cooking/sth unusual 闻到烟味/煤气味/花香味/烧饭的气味/某物不寻常的气味;The horses smelt the water a mile off. 那些马在一英里以外就闻到了水的气味。I don't/can't~anything. 我什么也闻不出来。He could~danger.(fig)他能感觉出危险。She could~that the fish wasn't fresh. 她闻出鱼不新鲜了。I can~something burning. 我能闻到有东西烧焦的气味。〖同〗nose,scent;

(2)闻,嗅(use the sense of the nose to test the smell)[I+prep (at),T+n]:~(at) a bottle/the meat 闻一闻瓶子/肉;be~ing (at) a flower 闻一朵花;~(at) the meat to see if it was fresh 闻一闻肉看是否新鲜;S~this stuff. What is it? 闻一闻这东西。这是什么?

(3)有(发出,散发)一股特殊的气味(have or give off a particular odour)[L+adjI+prep (of)]:Roses~sweet. 玫瑰花散发出芬芳的气味。That milk~s sour. 那牛奶发出一股酸味。These papers~old. 这些文件有一股陈年旧物的气味。The dish~s good/delicious. 这菜肴散发出诱人/馋人的香味。His breath~s of fish/garlic. 他的呼吸中有鱼腥/蒜味。The room~s of incense. 房间中有燃香味。What does the wine~like? 这酒气味如何?〖同〗scent;

(4)有臭(难闻)的气味(have or give off an unpleasant odour)[不用prog][I]:His breath~s. 他呼出的气有一股难闻的气味。The meat/cheese is beginning to~. 肉/奶酪开始有异味了。

(5)(靠直觉)察觉到(perceivedetect or discover by instinct)[T+nC+n+ing pass](fig):~foul play/danger 感觉出有犯规的行为/危险;The writer can~a good story/a good idea. 这位作家能发现好题材/好主题。~trouble (coming)觉察到(要)有麻烦;~a rat(infml)感到不妙(可疑);〖同〗detect,sense,perceive,feel,suspect;

smell out (v adv)以嗅觉发现(vt):The dogs~ed out the criminals in their hiding place. 狗找到了匿藏的罪犯。2)发现(vt):She has a strange ability for~ing out a mystery 她具有猜出奥秘的奇特能力。

→′smelling-salts n (pl) 嗅盐;

n (1)嗅觉(sense of smell)[U]:sight,~and touch 视、嗅和触觉;find sth by~靠嗅觉发现;have a marvellous/fine sense of~有非常灵敏的嗅觉;

(2)嗅,闻(act of smelling sth)[C,通常sing]:Have/Take a~of the meat and tell me whether it's good. 闻一闻这肉,告诉我坏没坏。

(3)气味(quality that has an effect on the nose)[CU]:a~of gas/cooking 煤气/烧饭的味道;the~s from the kitchen 来自厨房的味道;The flower has a strong~/no~. 这花味很浓/没有气味。the faint sweet~of flowers 淡淡的花香;love the~of wisteria 喜爱紫藤的气味;〖同〗scent,odour,perfume;

(4)难闻的气味,臭味(unpleasant smell)[Ua~]:There is a bit of a~in the cellar. 地窖里有一股难闻的气味。What a~! 真难闻!

→′smelly (infml) adj 有(强烈或难闻)气味的;发臭的;′smelliness n 臭味,难闻的气味





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