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单词 smoke
smoke/smǝ ʊk, AmE smoʊk/ nv [-d,-d/t/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)烟雾(mixture of gases and carbon that can be seen rising in a cloud from anything burning)[U]:a pillar/wisp of~呈柱形的烟/一缕烟;clouds of~烟云;the smell of bonfire/tobacco/cigarettes~燃篝火/吸烟/抽烟时的气味;~from factory chimneys 工厂烟囱冒出的烟;The room was thick with/full of~. 房间里烟雾弥漫。There's no~without fire. 无火不冒烟(事出有因)。

(2)抽(吸)烟(act of smoking tobacco)[C,通常sing](infml):have a~on one's pipe 用烟斗吸口烟;stop work/go outside for a~停下工作/到外边吸口烟;

(3)烟(sth for smoking)[C](infml):Have you got any~s? 你有烟卷吗?〖同〗cigar,cigarette;

go up in smoke 1)化为灰烬:The barn full of hay went up in~. 装满干草的库房烧成了灰烬。2)化为乌有,破灭,落空:The team's chances to win went up in~when their captain was hurt. 队长受伤,球队获胜的机会化为泡影。

→′smoky adj 烟雾的;烟熏的;有抽烟习惯的;′smoke-bomb,′smoke-grenade n 烟雾弹;′smoke-screen n 烟幕;障眼法;′smoke-stack n 大烟囱;轮船的烟囱;

v(1)冒烟(汽)(give off smoke or steamor sth like it)[I]:a~ing volcano/chimney 冒烟的火山/烟囱:see a chimney~ing in the distance 看见远处的一个烟囱正在冒烟;That oil-lamp/fire/fire-place~s badly. 那油灯/炉火/壁炉冒出浓浓的烟。

(2)抽烟(draw in and blow out smoke from (a cigarettepipeetc))[IT+n]:give up~ing 戒烟;Does he~? 他抽烟吗?~a pipe 抽烟斗;~ten cigarettes a day 一天抽10支香烟;~oneself sick 抽烟抽病了;Tom is very nervous. He chain-~s cigars.汤姆太紧张了,他一根接一根抽雪茄。〖同〗draw,suck,puff;

(3)熏黑(darken with smoke)[T+n,尤pass]:look at the sun through a piece of~d glass 透过一块熏黑的玻璃看太阳;

(4)熏制(preserve (meatfishetc) by exposing to wood smoke)[T+n,尤pass]:~fish to preserve them 熏制鱼以保存;~d ham/salmon/sausage 熏火腿/鲑鱼/香肠;

smoke out (v adv) 1)用烟把……熏出去(vt):~out snakes from a hole 用烟把蛇从洞中熏出来;The boys~d a squirrel out of a hollow tree. 孩子们用烟将一只松鼠熏出树洞。2)使……从隐藏的地方出来(vt):~an old war criminal out from his hiding place 把一老战犯从藏身的地方赶出来;3)使充满烟(vt):~the place out 使一个地方烟雾弥漫;

→′smoker n 吸烟者;吸烟车厢;′smoking n 吸烟;′smoking-jacket n 吸烟服;′smoking-room n 吸烟室





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