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单词 talent
释义 talent /'taelant; , taelant/ n 1 [C, U] (particular kind of) natural power to do sth well: (某种的) 天才; 才干; 才能; 智能: a man of great ~; 有大才干的人; local ~, (usu amateur) musicians, actors, etc of a district; 地方上的人才 (通常指当地业余的音乐家、 演员等); a ' ~ scout, (colloq) person who watches out for persons of ~ for films, the theatre, sports, etc; (俗) 星探; 球探 (发掘适于做演员、球员等的 X); have a ~ for music/not much ~ for painting; 有音乐天才[不大有绘昼天才); an exhibition of local ~, of works, eg paintings, by people of a district or locality. 当地人士作品展 (如画展等) 。 2 [C] measure of weight, unit of money, used in ancient times among the Greeks, Romans, Assyrians, etc. (古希腊、罗马、亚述等国的) 一种重量及货币单位; 泰伦。 ~ed adj having gifted: 有才能的; 有. 才干的; 有天才的: a ~ed musician. 天才音乐家。




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