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单词 myself
myself/maɪ′self/ reflex pron ourselves/ɑ:′selvz, aʊ ə′-, AmE ɑ:r′-/]

(1)我自己(used as the direct or indirect object of a verb or the object of a prepositionor sometimes as a subject)(反身用法):hurt/injure/wash/kill~弄伤自己/伤着自己/洗澡/自杀;get/buy/teach~a suit/new hat/French给自己弄到一套衣服/给自己购买一顶新帽子/自学法语;I told~there is nothing to be afraid of.我告诫自己没有什么可怕的。talk to/be ashamed of~自言自语/自己感到羞愧;I pride~on my financial success. 我对自己经济上的成功非常得意。She loves me for~not for my money.她爱我这个人,而不是爱我的钱。My wife and~were invited to the party.我和我的妻子被邀请参加聚会。

(2)我亲自(本人)(used for emphasis)(表示强调):I~will go/am involved/saw him.我要亲自去/本人牵扯进去了/亲眼见到了他。I do it/told him~. 自己做/我亲自告诉了他。

be/become/feel myself我的正常情况(指健康,情绪等):I am not~today.今天我不舒服。I feel me~today.我今天感觉好多了。I again came to~.我恢复了常态。

(all) by myself 1)单独地,独自:I went to the movie by~.我独自去看电影。I've been waiting (all) by~at the station.我一直自己在车站等候。2)独立地:I can't carry it by~.我自己一个人搬不动它。I finish my homework (all) by~.我独立完成家庭作业。

【注意】myself,yourself 等反身代词在口语中常用来指主语I,you 等,如:Mr Jones and myself are undecided.(我和琼斯先生都没有决定下来。)I would assign the new department to John and yourself.(我让你和约翰管理这个新部门。)但是在文字中应尽量避免使用这种结构。





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