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单词 natural
natural/′nætʃrɚl/ adj & n

adj (1)有关自然的;天然产生的;非人工的(of or produced by naturenot made by men)[作attrib]:~phenomena/resources/disasters/environment/materials/gas自然现象/自然资源/自然灾害/自然环境/天然材料/天然气;~childbirth/history/law/philosophy/selection自然分娩法/博物学/自然规律/自然哲学/自然选择;Wild animals are happier in their~state than in a zoo. 野生动物生活在自然界要比在动物园中更快活。The moon is a~satellite of the earth. 月球是地球的天然卫星。

(2)本(天)性的;生而具之的(produced at birth or belonging to the nature one has)[作attrib]:~beauty/grace/ability/charm/gift天性的美/天赋的丽质/天赋/天生的魅力/天赋的才能; It is~for ducks to swim. 鸭子天生会游水。He is a~actor. 他是天生的演员。Kindness is~to him. 他天性善良。It takes~talent and lots of hard work. 这需要天才和勤奋。〖同〗instinctive,inborn,inherent,native;〖反〗unnatural,artificial;

(3)正常的;预料之中的(due to the operation of the ordinary course of nature):a~death/outcome/reaction/explanation 正常死亡/必然结果/正常反应/合乎情理的解释;It would be hardly~for him to do that. 他做那种事是不大正常的。It's~to be happy on your wedding day.你结婚那天当然十分高兴。It's quite~for a boy of his age to be interested in girls. 他这个年龄的男孩子对女孩子感兴趣是很自然的。

(4)不做作的;自然的(free from self-consciousness;at ease):a~voice/smile/manner/style/gesture 自然的嗓音/微笑/仪态/风格/姿态;Try to be~before the microphone. 在话筒前要尽量保持自然。Successful people are genuine and~rather than synthetic and imitative. 有成就的人都是真诚和自然的,而绝不是虚伪和矫揉造作的。 She made no pretence and was perfectly~. 她一点都不装腔作势,自然极了。〖同〗 unaffected,genuine,plain;〖反〗affected,assumed;

(5)(音乐)本位音的(not sharp or flat):G~G本位音;the~scale of D major D大调;G~is lower in pitch than G sharp. G的本位音比升G低。

(6)生身的(别于领养的)(related by actual birth(not adoptionetc)):one's~parents 其生身父母;

(7)私生的(illegitimate):her~son 她的私生子;

→′naturally adv. 自然地;天生地;

n (1)本位音,还原符号((in music) (a sign indicating) a note which is not to be played sharp or flat):There are three~s in that chord. 在那个和弦里有三个本位音。

(2)理想的人选(a person who is naturally good at something)[N(for)]:She would be a~for Lady Macbeth. 她是扮演麦克佩斯夫人的理想人选。Look at her run;she's a~. 看她跑的那样子,真是天生的。He is a short story~. 他是写短篇小说的天才。

→′naturalness n 自然的状态或性质





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