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单词 pledge


1. surety,sponsor担保.保人。
△Shr.1.2.45: “I amGrumio's pledge.”我做葛鲁米奥的保人。
2. symbol of challenge,gage (in a duel),i. e. glove orgauntlet thrown down as a gage挑战的象征,(表示要决斗的)担保品,(指)扔下的手套或(骑士戴的)铁手套。
△1H.VI.41.120:“There is my pledge;accept it,Somerset.”这是我挑战的保证;接受它吧,萨默塞特。
△Lr.5.3.92(91):“If none appear to prove upon thy person / Thy hei-nous,manifest,and many treasons,/ There is mypledge.”如果没人出来证明你一身所犯的许多令人发指、彰明昭著的叛国罪行,这便是我的挑战担保。
3. hostage人质。
△2H.VI.5.1.48:“And let my sover-eign,virtuous Henry,/ Command my eldest son,nay,all my sons,/ As pledges of my fealty and love;”我的君王,贤明的亨利,可以把我的大儿子,不,我所有的儿子,都要去当做保证我对国王忠爱的人质。
4. drinking to one's health,toast祝酒,干杯。
△Ham.1.4.12:“The triumph of his pledge.”为他的干杯而欢庆。
△Mac.3.4.92 (91): “Our duties,and the pledge.”i.e. We offer our homage to you,and drink the toastyou have proposed. 谨效忠诚,敢不从命干杯。


1. drink a health to为…的健康而干杯。
△2H.IV.5.3.55(54):“I'll pledge you a mile to the bottom.”哪怕杯深一英里,我也要敬你这一杯。
pledge you: drink your health向你(们)敬酒。
△2H.VI.2.3.67(66):“Let it come,i'faith,and I'll pledge youall: and a fig for Peter!”喝起来吧,说真的,我也要向你们大家敬酒;彼得又算什么东西!
2. answer in drinking to a person's health (祝酒时)饮下(酒)作答。
△H.VIII.1.4.47:“Here's to your ladyship,and pledge it. madam,/ For'tis to such a thing—”这杯酒是敬你小姐的,它是为了,小姐,为了这么一件事——


n.暂约,抵押 v.保证,抵押,典当
◇be in pledge在抵押中
‖joint pledge公约
pliedging of accounts receivable应收债款抵押pledge against a loan抵借
pledge assets抵押资产
pledge guarantee抵押担保
pledge holder抵押品持有人
pledge of assets资产抵押
pledge of bill of lading提单抵押
pledge of immovable不动产抵押
pledge of movable动产抵押
pledge of obligation债权抵押
pledge one’s credit立约担保抵押
pledge securities抵押有价证券
pledged-account mortgage抵押账户抵押贷款
pledged asset抵押资产
pledged goods质押品
pledged securities抵押有价证券
pledged securities account担保品有价证券账户
pledging conference捐款会议
pledging in receivable应收账款抵押
pledging notices抵押通知书
pledgee n.债权人
pledger=pledgor n.抵押人





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