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单词 name
name/neɪm/ n; v [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)名字(称),姓名(word(s) by which a personan animala thing or a place is called or known)[C]:a~to conjure with 鼎鼎大名;take sb's~in vain 滥用(亵渎)某人(尤指上帝或有威望者)的名字;not have a penny to one's~一文不名;His~is Philip Stewart.他名叫菲利普·斯图尔特。Fill in your~on the application form. 请在申请表上填上你的姓名。What's her~/the cat's~/the~of that river? 她/那只猫/那条河叫什么名字? No one of that~lives here. 这里住的没有叫这个名字的人。〖同〗title,term;
 (2)名誉(声) (reputation;fame)[C,通常sing]:a(n) good/bad/ill~好/坏/恶名声;a~for honesty/reliability/bravery/learning/workmanship 以诚实/可靠/勇敢/博学/精良的做工而著称;He has a~as a novelist. 他作为一名小说家颇有声望。His~is mud. 他名誉扫地。Give a dog a bad~(an ill~) and hang him. (prov) 给人强加恶名将毁人一生。(欲加之罪,何患无辞。)
 (3)著名的;有声誉的(well-known;famous)[attrib](尤AmE)(sl):a~band/company/actor/designer/brand 著名的乐队/公司/演员/设计师/名牌;
 (4)名人(noted person)[C]:a great(big,famous)~in(of)history/medicine/science/show business/one's profession 史学界/医学界/科学界/演艺界/自已所从事的行业中的名人;Several famous~s were invited to the party. 邀请了许多名人参加聚会。
 be sb's middle name(infml)突出特性;主要特征:Trouble is his middle~. 他生性忧虑。
 by name用(靠、按、凭)名字;名字叫……:He listed his pupils by~. 他列举了他的学生的名字。Emilia was introduced not by~,but merely as a friend of Mrs Earl's. 在介绍伊米莉亚时根本没提她叫什么名字,只说她是厄尔夫人的一位朋友。
 by/of the name of名叫……:A resident by the~of Brent made some astonishing statements. 一个名叫布伦特的居民发表了令人震惊的讲话。Do you know a person of the~of Smith? 你认识一个叫史密斯的人吗?
 enter one's name/put one's name down for sth 报名(登记);报名入(学校等):He put his~down for the school football team. 他申请加入校足球队。
 give one's name to sth 发明创造:He gave his~to a new model of car. 他发明了一种新型汽车。
 in name only 只在名义上:He was a ruler in~only. 他只是名义上的统治者。
 under the name of sth 用……的名字;以……的名义:She was a well-known and gifted authoress,who wrote under the~of Elizabeth. 她是个极有才气的著名作家,笔名叫伊丽莎白。
 the name of the game 主要目的;最重要的方面:In fishing,patience is the~of the game.钓鱼时,耐心最重要。
 in the name of sb/sth 1)代表……: Let me thank you in the~of us all. 让我代表我们大家向你致谢。2)凭……的权威:Open the box, in the~of law. 打开箱子,我以法律的名义命令你。3)请……作证:What in the~of heaven are you doing here? 你究竟在干什么? 4)为了……:Please help us in the~of freedom! 看在自由的份上,帮帮我们吧!
 →′nameless adj 无名的;难以名状的;′namely adv即,就是;name-day n 命名日;′name-dropping n 抬出名人显要以提高自己身价的行为;′name-drop vi (谈话中)抬出名人显要以提高自已的身价;′name-part n 与剧名同名的角色;′name-plate n 名牌报(刊)名;′name-sake n 同名人(物);′name-tape n (衣服上)标有姓名的布条;
 v (1)给……取名(give sb/sth a name)[T+nT+n+prep (after/AmE for),C+n+n]:It is appropriately~ed. 这名字起得合适。Have they~ed the new baby yet? 他们给新生儿起名字了吗? She was~ed after her mother. 她取的是她母亲的名字。The mountain was~ed after the first person to reach its top. 这座高山是以第一个登上其顶峰的人的名字命名的。 She is a big old-fashioned cruiser,~ed for a queen. 这是一艘以一位皇后的名字命名的老式大游艇。 Winds are~ed for the direction from which they come. 风以其吹来的方向定名。What will you~the baby? 你准备给这孩子起个什么名字? He~ed the child Thomas. 他给那孩子起名叫托马斯。〖同〗call,label,tag;
 (2)叫出……的名字,列举(say or list the names of sb/sth)[T+n]:~ all the plants in the garden/all the oceans/the five senses/all the presidents of the United States 说出花园里所有植物/所有大洋/五种感觉/美国历届总统的名字;She could~every child in her class after only two days. 仅仅两天之后她就可以说出她的班上每一个孩子的名字。She refused to~the man who insulted her. 她拒绝说出侮辱她的那个男人的名字。
 (3)指定,说出(state sth that is wanted)[T+n]:~ the price/a date/May 2 for one's wedding day开价/指定一个日子/择定5月2日为自己的婚期;〖同〗suggest,mention,indicate,state;
 (4)提名,任命(nominate or appoint)[T+nC+n+nT+n+prep(for),C+n+prep(as)]:He was~ed by the President.他是由总统任命的。be~ed coach of the football team/chancellor of the university;被任命为足球队的教练/该大学的校长;~ed for the duty/directorship/position任命担任这个工作/董事/职务;~sb as president of the club任命某人做俱乐部主任;be~ed as the probable successor;很有希望被提名为接班人;〖同〗choose,appoint,nominate;
 name but a few 仅举数例:Lots of boys were absent:Tom,Dick and Harry,to~but a few.许多男孩子缺席,汤姆、狄克、哈利,就说这几个吧。
 name names 指出姓名来:He knew who had done it but wouldn't~names. 他知道是谁干的,但不愿指出姓名来。
 you name it (infml) 凡是你说(想)得出来的:You~it,I've written it. 你说得出的我都写过。
 【用法】first name(AmE中通常为given name) 在讲英语的国家里指出生时父母给起的名字。family name或surname是家族的姓氏。在BrE中有些人用Christian name取代first name。forename与first name同义,但为正式用语,常见于文件或各类申请表格。
 【辨异】nametitle都可指人。name是简单的常用词,如:His name is John.(他叫约翰。) title指某人正式的称号或头衔,及书籍、乐曲等的标题或题目,如:He now has the title of Doctor. (他现在拥有了博士的头衔。) A Tale of Two Cities is the title of a book. (《双城记》是一本书的名字。)





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