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单词 narrow
narrow/′nærə ʊ, AmE ′-roʊ/ adj [-er/-est]; vt & n

adj (1)狭窄的(small or limited in widthespecially in comparison with length):a~street/road/stream/bridge/gate/bay/table/boat 狭窄的街道/狭路/狭窄的小溪/狭窄的桥梁/狭窄的门/狭长的海湾/长条桌/狭长的船;The river is~at this point. 这条河在此处变窄。The street is too~for cars to pass. 这条街太窄,车过不去。The handle of the brush is long and~.刷子把又细又长。〖同〗thin,slim,slender,fine;〖反〗broad,wide;

(2)范围狭小的(limited in range or scope):have~resources 拥有有限的资源;move in a~circle of friends 生活在狭小的朋友圈子中;known to a~group of people 只有很少的人知道;live a~life 生活范围狭窄;live in~circumstances 生活拮据;in the~meaning of the word从该词的狭义上;Her experience in such matters has been very~. 对于这类事情她的经验十分有限。〖同〗 small,close,confined,restricted; 〖反〗spacious,big;

(3)勉强的(only just successful)[通常作attrib]:a~win/escape/miss/majority/margin/squeak/lead/shave 险胜/死里逃生/将将错过/微弱多数/微小的差距/侥幸成功/稍稍领先/侥幸脱险;〖同〗close;

(4)思想(观念)狭隘的(contracted in mind;limited in outlook):have a~mind/outlook on life/point of view 心胸/人生观/观点狭隘;act in one's~self-interests 只图个人狭隘的私利;~nationalism 狭隘的民族主义;It's hard to reason with such~minds. 与这种思想狭隘的人很难理论。〖同〗isolated,shallow,narrow-minded,conservative;〖反〗open,liberal;

(5)精细(密)的((careful or minute):a~search/inspection/examination严密的搜查/严格的考查/严格的考试;a machine with~tolerance 公差极小的机器;What does the word mean in its~est sense? 这个词的确切意思是什么?

→′narrowly adv. 狭窄地;勉强地;′narrowness n 严密;仔细;′narrow-minded a 心胸狭窄的;眼光短浅的;′narrow-mindedly adv. 心胸狭窄地;眼光短浅地;′narrow-mindedness n 心胸狭窄;眼光短浅;

v (使)变窄;(使)收缩(cause to decrease in width)[T+nT+n+adv(down)]: The river~s at this point.河流在此变窄。The gap between the rich and the poor is~ing. 贫富之间的差距正在缩小。~one's eyes/the powers of executive authority 把眼睛眯成一条缝/削弱行政当局的权力;Having such a protected life~s one's experience. 过着这么一种被保护的生活限制了一个人的眼界。~down the choices to three/the search to a smaller area/possibilities 把选择缩小到三个/搜查缩小到更小的范围/缩小可能性;I've~ed the selection process down to five basic steps. 我已把选择程序缩减为五个基本步骤。

n 狭谷;海峡(narrow passage in mountains or between two bodies of wateretc.)[通常pl]:A bridge was built across the~s. 狭谷间建起一座桥。The aircraft carrier was too big to pass throngh the~s. 航空母舰太大,不能通过这个海峡。





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