❶provide (or grant) a loan; extend credit to;get(or obtain) a loan
银行~给几家公司。The bank extended credit to a number of companies./从银行~ arrange a loan from a bank; ask for a bank loan/按照~条件和市场准入标准发放~ grant loans on the basis of proper qualifications and market access requirements/长期~ long-term loan/出口~ export loan/打捆~ bundled loan/流动资金~ loan for working capital/商业~ commercial loan/未偿还的~ outstanding loan/无息~ interest-free loan/低息~ low-interest loan;easy money/软~ soft loan/人民币~基准利率 basic interest rates on RMB loans/~期限 credit period /~拖欠loan delinquency/~协定 loan agreement/~业务loan transaction;funding operation /~与存款比率loan-deposit ratio/~周期loan circuit/~人 lender; creditor;accommodator(同意将资金贷给借款人使用,但要求偿还和支付利息的个人或公司)/~质量五级分类制system of classifying the quality of loans into five grades