exhibitvt. 1. offer,submit提出,提交。 △Wiv.2.1.28:“Why,I’llexhibit a bill in the parliament”. 哼,我要在议会里提出一个法案。 2. (legal term) submit for consideration,present forofficial consideration(法律用语)提出…供审处。 △1H.VI.3.1.149: “Which in the right of RichardPlantagenet / We do exhibit to your majesty.”为了维护理查·普兰塔琪奈特的正当权利,恭请陛下审处。 3. show;(blunder for) inhibit,i.e. restrain显示,(错用为)抑制。 △Mer.2.3.10: “Adieu. tears exhibit mytongue.”眼泪哽住了我的舌头。(按:exhibit作show解亦通。) exhibit[igˈzibit]v. 提出物证,展出,展览,陈列,表示,显示/ n. 证据,物证,展览(会),展览品,展品,陈列品,奖学金,证据,物证 ‖ exhibit and sale 展销 exhibit hall 展厅 exhibit manager 会展经理人 exhibit prospectus参展信息指南 exhibit rack 展览架 overseas exhibit 海外展览 overseas exhibit trip海外展览旅行线路 exhibition n. 表现,展览会,展览品 ◇ make an exhibition of oneself 出洋相 on exhibition 展出 ‖ art exhibition 艺术展览会 bilingual exhibition directory 中英文对照展刊 commercial exhibition 商业展览 conference and exhibition organizer 会展承办商 exhibition aerobatics 表演性特技 exhibition car 展车 exhibition centre 展览会,陈列中心 exhibition company 展览公司 exhibition competition 表演赛 exhibition design 展览设计 exhibition directory 参观指南 exhibition dive 跳水表演 exhibition flight (flying)表演飞行 exhibition for creativity 创作展览 exhibition game 表演赛 exhibition hall 展览大厅,展览室 exhibition industry 会展业 exhibition information 展览信息 exhibition insurance展览保险 exhibition lighting 展览馆照明 exhibition logistics 展览后勤 exhibition match 表演赛 exhibition media 展示广告媒体 exhibition of arts 艺术品展览 exhibition of fine arts 美术展览 exhibition of flowers 花展 exhibition of new arts 新艺术品展览,新展品展览 exhibition of photography 摄影展 exhibition of pictures 画展 exhibition performance 观摩演出,观摩展览 exhibition period 展期 exhibition planning 展前联络 exhibition room 展览室 exhibition shop 展销商品 exhibition soliciting letter 招展销售函 exhibition swimming 游泳表演 exhibition teaching 观摩教学 painting exhibition 画展 private exhibition 公司展览 reserving an exhibition space 展位预订 exhibitionism n. 喜好自我宣传,自我宣传癖,喜出风头癖,裸露癖 exhibitionist n. 好出风头的运动员 exhibitive adj.起显示作用的,表示的 ◇ be exhibitive of 起显示作用的 exhibitor =exhibiter n. 展览商,展出者,电影放映员,展览参加者 exhibitor-appointed contractor 参展商指定承包商 sourcing exhibitor 采购商 supplier exhibitor 供应商 exhibitory adj.起显示作用的,表示的 |