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单词 mute
mute/mju:t/ adj [-r/-stnvt [-d,-d/ ɪd/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

adj (1)沉默(不出声)的(not speaking;making no sound):remain (keep)/stand~保持沉默/站着一言不发;The prisoner sat~. 囚犯静静地坐着。be~on the subject/about the plan不发表对该题目/计划的看法;look at sb in~amusement以快乐的目光默默地看着某人;stare at sb in~astonishment 以惊奇的眼光瞪着某人;gaze at sb in~admiration 以敬佩的目光瞧着某人;touch sb's hand in~sympathy无言地抚摸某人的手以示同情;clasp sb's hand in~protest 抓住某人的手以示抗议;She gave him her hand with~thanks.她默默地把手伸给他以示感谢。〖同〗silent,reserved,speechless;

(2)不发音的(not pronounced when spoken):The“e”in life/“k”in knife/“b”in dumb is~. life中的“e”/knife中的“k”/dumb中的“b”不发音。The word dumb has a~“b”at the end. dumb这个单词的尾字母“b”不发音。〖同〗unsounded,silent,unpronounced;〖反〗pronounced;

(3)哑(不会讲话)的(unable to speak; dumb)(旧用法):~from birth天生不会讲话;The child has been~since infant.这孩子从小就哑。〖同〗dumb,speechless,voiceless;

【辨异】mutedumbspeechless shut的区别见DUMB。

n (1)哑巴(dumb person)[C](旧用法):be born a deaf~天生又聋又哑;The queen was served by~s.女王由几个哑巴(指被割掉舌头的人)服侍。

vt (1)减低(声音)(reduce or soften the sound ofesp a musical instrument)[T+n]:~the strings of the violin/the noise of the traffic/the sound of footsteps把小提琴琴声调低/降低交通噪音/使脚步声变轻;The wind~ed its wild call.狂风不再怒吼。

→′muted adj 缄默的;(指声音、颜色、光线)变柔和的;′mutely adv 沉默地,哑然地;′muteness n 沉默





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