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单词 birth
birth/bɜ:θ, AmE bɜ:rθ/ n

(1) 出生 (act or time of coming into the world esp out of the mother's body) [U]:the~of one's first child 某人第一个孩子的出世; the place/land/date of one's~某人的出生地/国/日期;one's~certificate 出生证;~rate/control 出生率/节制生育;at the (moment of)~of sb 在某人出生时; weigh 8 pounds/be small at~出生时重八磅/很小;be blind/deaf from~一出生就眼瞎/耳聋;〖反〗death;

(2) 生产,分娩 (act or fact of producing forth young)[C]:have a difficult~难产;There have been several~s at the hospital today. 今天这医院里出生了好几个婴儿。Last year there were more~s than deaths. 去年出生人数比死亡人数多。feel~pains 感觉到分娩的疼痛;〖同〗 bearing,delivery;

(3) 诞(产)生,开始 (coming into existence; beginning; start)[C](fig):the~of civilization/socialism/a political party/a new society/a new country文明/社会主义/一个政党/一个新社会/一个新的国家的诞生;the~of a new era/an idea/jazz/television一个新纪元的开始/一个主意的产生/爵士乐的问世/电视机的出现;〖同〗start,beginning,origin;〖反〗conclusion;

(4) 出身 (descent; family origin)[U]:be of noble/good/royal~出身高贵/名门/皇室;be French/English by~生为法国/英国人;〖同〗descent;

give birth to 1) 生:give~to a healthy baby 生一个健康的婴儿; 2) 产生:Electricity has given~to many appliances. 电已经使许多电器问世。

→′birthday n 生日,诞辰;诞辰周年纪念日;′birthmark n 胎记;′birthplace n 出生地;′birthright n 生来就有的权利





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