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单词 mix
mix/mɪks/v [-es/ ɪz/];n [-es/ ɪz/]

v (1)相混合(be capable of being blended together)[II+prep(with),I+adv(together)]:Oil and water will not~(Oil will not~with water.) 油和水不能混合。Manual labour and intellectual labour seldom~well.体、脑劳动很少结合得好。The two colours don't~together.这两种颜色不能调合在一起。〖同〗blend;

(2)把……结(混)和起来(blend things together;combine one thing with another)[T+nT+prep(with),T+n+adv(together)]:~one's drinks把各种饮料混合在一起;~joy and (with) sorrow悲喜交加;~work with play 劳逸结合;~study with pleasure 把学习与消遣结合起来;~blue paint with yellow paint把蓝色漆与黄色漆调配在一起;~wine and water/butter and the sugar together把酒和水混合起来/黄油和糖搅拌在一起;In Britain many different races of people are~ed together.(fig)在英国,许多不同种族的人生活在一起。〖同〗combine,join;

(3)掺(混)合,配(调)制(make or prepare by putting or blending sth together in a single massso that the parts cannot easily be separated one from another)[T+nT+n+adv(up/together),D+n+nD+n+prep(for)]:~flour,water,and eggs/cement,sand,and gravel把面粉、水和鸡蛋混合在一起/将水泥、砂子和砾石混合在一起;First~up (together) the butter and sugar,and then add the eggs.先把黄油和糖拌在一起,然后再加入鸡蛋。~sb a cocktail/drink/salad给某人调一杯鸡尾酒/一杯饮料/一份沙拉;Ask the doctor to~some medicine for you.请医生给你配制些药。〖同〗blend;

(4)交往(际),相处(go together socially)[II+prep(with)]:do not~much/well 不善与人交往;At the party everybody~ed together happily.在聚会上,大家都愉快地交谈。~freely with people/the men of one's year/other members in the team自由地与人/同龄人/队里的其他队员交往;He~ed with a wide variety of people in his job.他在工作中广泛地与各种各样的人交往。〖同〗socialize,associate;

be/get mixed up in sth使卷入(参与)某事(infml):Some high officials were~ed up in the crime.几位高级官员与这一罪行有牵连。

be/get mixed up with sb与某人来往(厮混):be~ed up with criminal types与犯罪分子鬼混;I don't want to get~ed up with any illegal organization.我不想与任何非法组织交往。

mix sb/sth up(with sb/sth) 混淆,弄混:I'm always~ing you up with your sister.我总是把你与你姐姐搞混。He~ed up the dates and went on the wrong night.他把日子弄混了,在一个不该去的晚上赶去了。

mix sth into sth 1)添加并混在一起:M~the beaten eggs into the rest of the mixture.把打好的鸡蛋混入其余混合物中。2)混合以做成:~the flour and the water into a smooth paste 把水和面粉搅成面糊;

mix it ((AmE) mix it up)(sl)与某人打架,吵嘴:~it up for pretty girls with sb为漂亮的姑娘与某人打架;

mix in(v adv)和(渗)入(vt):M~in the flour and the milk.把面粉和奶搅在一起。M~in 3 eggs.打入三个鸡蛋。

→′mixed adj 混合的;不同阶级、民族、集团混合的;交织在一起的;͵mixed-′up adj 混(杂)乱的;被牵连的,被卷入的;迷惑不解的;′mixer n 混合者,搅拌器;′mixing n 混合,拌和;′mixture n 混合;混合物;

n (1)食(物)品混合配料(collection of ingredients sold to make sthesp kinds of food)[CU]:a cake/a bread/a soup/a roll~蛋糕/面包/汤料/面包配料;buy an instant pudding~from the shop从商店买速制布丁现成配料;a bag of cement~一袋水泥混合料;〖同〗mixture,collection;

(2)混合物(人群)(mixture or collection of different kinds of peoplethings)[C,通常sing]:a good~of things一堆混合搭配得不错的东西;a strange~of customers一批奇怪的顾客;an odd~of people一群古怪的人;the~of politics and literature 政治与文学相结合;London has a particular interesting racial~.伦敦有一种特别有意思的不同种族的和谐群体。〖同〗combination,mixture





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