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单词 moan
moan/mǝ ʊn, AmE moʊn/ n & v

n (1)呻吟(叹息)声(lowmournful sound of regretpainor sorrow)[C]:~s from a sick man/from someone trapped under the rubble 一个病人发出的/有人压在石头下面发出的呻吟声;hear the~s of the wounded soldiers 听见伤兵的呻吟声;Her tears and~s were pitiful.她的泪水和呻吟令人同情。let out/give/utter a~of pain 发出痛苦的呻吟;He sank back with a long~of pain.他长叹一声就仰面倒下了。〖同〗groan;

(2)风等的凄切(厉)声(low sound as if of pain as made by the windetc)[Uthe~][N(of)](fig):the~of the wind/the brooklet大风的呼啸声/溪水潺潺;

(3)抱怨,牢骚(complaint)[C](infml):have some~s 发牢骚;a slight~about the service对服务略有不满;That's one of his frequent~s.那是他常发的牢骚。She answered every question with a~.她每回答一个问题,就发一句牢骚。〖同〗complaint;

→′moaner n 发牢骚者,呻吟者;′moanful a 呻吟的;悲伤的;′moanfully adv 凄切地,悲伤地;

v (1)呻吟(地说)(make a lowmournful sound of regretpain and sorrow;or a sound that gives the idea of sadness or suffering)[II+advT+n]:He lay~ing on the deck.他躺在甲板上呻吟着。The sick child~ed in pain/in his sleep/with (from) pain/ceaselessly.生病的孩子痛苦地/在睡梦中/因病痛/不停地呻吟。~one's misfortunes/one's fate 哀叹自己的不幸遭遇/自己的不幸命运;~sb's death哀叹某人之死;“Let me die,what am I going to do?”he~ed.“让我死了吧,我该怎么办?”他悲伤地说。The wind~ed in the trees/round the house.风在树丛中/绕着房子哀鸣。〖同〗 groan,sigh,sob;

(2)抱怨(complain(about sth))[II+prep(about),I+adv](infml):Stop~ing. 别抱怨了。be always~ing about money/the unjust way in which one's been treated/how hard one has to work/how poor one is总是抱怨钱少/对自己的不公正待遇/得拼命工作/自己太穷了;What's she~ing about now? 她在抱怨什么呢?〖同〗complain





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