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单词 moment
moment/′mǝ ʊmənt, AmE ′moʊ-/ n

(1)片刻,瞬间(very short period of time)[C]:Wait(for)a~.等一等。think/hesitate/stand/be quiet (for) a~考虑/犹豫/站立/安静一会儿;Speak to me for a~. 和我谈一会儿。One~please.请稍候。Just a~.请等一下。She won't be a~.她马上就来。be ready/be back/be here/be over in a~一会儿就准备好/回来/到这里/结束;after a few~s' silence/thought 安静/思考片刻后;I shall only be a~.我一会儿就回来。A few~s later she heard footsteps.过了一会儿,她听到了脚步声。Help arrived not a~too soon.救援来得太晚了。〖同〗minute,instant,second;

(2)时刻(候)(certain point in time)[Uthe~]:the~of truth关键时刻;the happiest~of one's life一生中最幸福的时刻;At this precise/At that very~,the phone rang. 就在这/那时,电话铃响了。arrive at any~随时都可能到达;He's busy/He's not here at the~. 他眼下很忙/不在这里。〖同〗instant;

(3)重要性(importance;consequence)[U][N(of)](fml):an event of (great)~一个重要的事件;a problem/decision/discovery of (great)~一个重要的问题/决定/发现;a discussion of no/little/small/some/great~毫不/没什么/有点/有些/极其重要的讨论;Your opinion is of no/small/great~to me.你的看法对我不/有些/至关重要。This is not without~.这一事实并非无足轻重。

(4)时机,机会(occasion;time for doing sth)[C]:a suitable~to do sth做事的合适时机;wait for the right~等候恰当的时机;choose one's~well 选择好时机;

(5)力(能)率(tendency to produce motionesp about an axis)[C,通常 sing]:the~of a force力矩;the~of inertia 转动惯量;

at the moment此刻:be busy/reading at the~此刻正忙/在看书;She is not in at the~.她现在不在。

for the moment 目前,暂时:What can we do for the~?目前我们能做些什么呢?

have one's/its moments 也有短暂的好时候:The play had its~s but was generally pretty dull.这剧也还有意思,但总体上很枯燥。

not for a moment (or minute/second)根本不,决非:I'm not for a~saying that the management is perfect.我根本就不是说资方无可挑剔。

this moment 1)现在,即刻:Come here/Go to bed this~.立刻到这里来/去睡觉。2)刚才:I've only this~got your letter/come into the room.我只是刚收到你的来信/进到屋里来。

the moment(or minute)(that...)一……就:The~I saw him I knew that was no hope.一见到他,我就明白,没希望了。Phone me the~that you hear any news.一有消息,马上电话通知我。

→′momentary adj 顷刻的,瞬间的;′momentarily adv 片刻地,短暂地,即刻





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