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单词 mobile
mobile/′mǝ ʊbaɪl, AmE ′moʊbɪl/ adj & n

adj (1)可移(流)动的(able to move freely or be moved readily and easily from place to place):a~hospital/library/shop/station/phone/home/target/crane流动医院/流动图书馆/流动商店/移动电台/移动电话/活动住房/活动目标/移动吊车;a~missile launcher/snack-bar/stall vendor/medical team移动火箭发射台/流动快餐车/流动摊贩/巡回医疗队;~artillery机动炮兵;~weapons/troops 机动武器/机动部队;~television units for on-the-spot reporting 现场转播的移动电视装置;He has not been so~since his accident.他出事故后,一直没有这样活动过了。〖同〗movable,travelling,transportable;

(2)易(多)变的(changing easily in expression or mind):a~face/mind 表情多变的脸/易变的心理;That actress has~features.那位女演员面部表情丰富。

(3)(人)流动的((of people) able to move to a different jobsocial class or place of residence):a~society/work-force/population 流动的社会/流动劳动力/流动人口;Americans are historically a restless~people.美国人从历史上讲就是不安现状、频于流动的民族。〖同〗wandering;〖反〗immobile,immovable;

(4)有车用的(having a vehicle to go about in)[作pred](infml):Are you~tonight?你今晚有车吗? I'm not~at the moment.此刻我没车。Give me a lift if you're~.如果你有车,让我搭你的车。

→′mobility n 移动,流动性;′mobilize -ise v 调动;动员;使流通;mobili′zation -isation n 动员,调动;

n (悬挂的)可动饰物(hanging decoration or work of art with its parts moving freely)[C]:a colourful~in the boy's room男孩房间内挂着的彩色饰物;The boy was fascinated by the~of plastic butterflies.这个男孩迷上了悬挂的塑料蝴蝶。





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