单词 | money |
释义 | money/′mʌni/ n [(3)-s/z/or -ies/-′ɪz/] (1)钱,货币(coins or banknote that people use in buying and selling)[U]:carry/have~on (with) 随身带着钱;keep one's~in a purse把钱放在钱包;deposit one's~in a bank把钱存在银行里;waste/spend too much~on sth在某物上浪费/花销太大;save/borrow/earn/cost/return~省/借/挣/花/还钱;win much/a lot of/lots of~挣很多/大笔/许许多多的钱;Could you lend me some~?您可以借给我一些钱吗? You'll have to change some~because you can't pay in French~.你得先换一些钱,因为你不能支付法郎。〖同〗cash,banknote,currency,coins; (2)财产(富)(property;possessions;wealth)[U]:Her family has~.她家很富有。leave one's~to charity 把全部财产留给慈善事业;make one's~in fashion business 做时装生意发了财;lose all one's~on that deal 在那笔交易上亏了全部本钱;inherit a little~from one's grandfather继承祖父一小笔财产;marry sb for his~为获得财产而嫁给某人;Does~always bring happiness?金钱一定能带来欢乐吗?She put her~into a company.她投资一家公司。〖同〗wealth,property; (3)金额(sums of money)[pl](旧用法):tax/public~s 税金/公款数额;collect~s 征款;pocket some of the~s 侵吞部分款项; for my money据我看来(infml):For my~,you were the only actor in the play who was worth watching.依我看,这出戏里只有你这个演员还值得一看。 get/have one's money's worth花钱值得:She's had her~'s worth out of that dress;she's been wearing it for years.她买那件衣服值得,多年来她一直穿着。It's a bit expensive,but you get your~'s worth. 虽有点贵,但买得值。 good money 大笔得来不易的钱:I paid good/I spent good~for/on it.我付/花大价钱把它买下。 in the money很富有,有钱(infml):You can see he's in the~by all those clothes he buys.看看他买的那些衣服,你就知道他很有钱。 made of money 很有钱,富有(infml):He's made of~;he can afford it.他有钱,能买得起。He buys his children everything;he must be made of~.他什么都给孩子买,他一定钱多得花不完。 raise money on sth 靠出售(或典当)筹款:raise~on one's house/this gold watch 典当房子/这只金表筹款;We have to raise~for a new school.我们得为一所新学校筹集资金。 put one's money on 在 ……下赌注:He put $10 on the horse.他为那匹马下注10美元。 →′moneyed adj 有钱(富有)的;′moneyless adj 无钱的;′monetary adj 货币(金融)的;′money-bags n 有钱人;′money-box n 现金箱,存钱罐;′money-changer n外币兑换商;′money-grubber n 敛财者,贪财者;′money-lender n放债者;′money-maker n 赚大钱的人;′money-making n & adj 赚钱(的);′money-market n 短期贷款市场;′money-spinner n赚大钱的人(东西) |
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