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单词 model
model/′mɒdl, AmE ′mɑ:dl/ n v [-ll- ,AmE -l-]

n (1)模型(copy or representation of sthusu smaller than the original)[C][N(of)]:a~of an airport 机场的模型;~of a battleship/sailing vessel 战舰/帆船的模型;a scale~of a theatre/shopping mall剧院/购物中心的比例模型;a~car/train/ship/airplane/railway/apartment 汽车/火车/轮船/飞机/铁路/公寓模型;make/build/construct a~of the Houses of Parliament out of matchsticks.用火柴棍做/搭/建起一座议会大厦的模型;a nude~in wax 裸体腊像模型;〖同〗representation,pattern,copy;

(2)(供复制的)原(模)型(imageor the like in claywax to be copied in stone or metaletc)[C]:a wax/a clay~for a bronze statue铜像的石腊原型/泥土原型;

(3)(用作分析,计算等用的)模型(generalized description of a system or theory used in analyzingcalculating or explaining sth)[C]:a~of an atom原子模型;a~of a molecule/the universe分子/宇宙模型;construct a mathematical/statistical/theoretical/macroeconomic~构建数学/统计学/理论学/宏观经济学模型;

(4)型(号),样式(particular type or design of manufactured productssuch as carsmachines or instrumentsetc)[C]:an old~老型号;a new/luxury~新型/豪华型;the latest/most popular/last year's~最新/最流行/去年的型号;make a two-door/heavy-duty/sports~制造双门/载重/赛车型汽车;Our Ford car is a 1976~.我们的福特汽车是1976型产品。What~is your washing machine?你的洗衣机是什么型号? That~is becoming to me.那型号适合我。〖同〗 design,type;

(5)模(典)范,榜样(person or thing which is an excellent example worthy to be followed or copied)[C][N(of)](apprec):a~teacher 模范教师;a~mother/husband/wife/couple/worker 模范母亲/丈夫/妻子/夫妻/工人;a~farm/prison/home/example样板农场/示范监狱/模范家庭/典型范例;Make your father a~. 学习你父亲的榜样。a~of accuracy/perfection/clarity准确/完美/清晰的典范;a~of discretion/politeness/honesty/kindness谨慎/礼貌/诚实/善良的典范; a~of scientific argument/efficient management/healthy living 科学论证/有效管理/健康生活的典范;He is the very~of calmness.他是个十分镇静的人。His written addresses are~s of clearness,logical order,and style.他的书面讲稿在语言条理性、逻辑层次及文风方面都堪称典范。〖同〗example,ideal,pattern;

(6)模(样)式(system that can be used as a basis for a copy)(forml)[C]:Build a house on the~of a country villa.仿乡村别墅建造房屋。This constitution system/The economy is a relevant~for the new Africa. 该宪法体制/这个经济模式是与新非洲相适宜的。〖同〗pattern;

(7)时装模特儿(person employed to display clothes by wearing them)[C]:a male dress/a fashion~男子服装/时装模特儿;work as a~in a department store 在百货商店做模特儿工作;a~in TV advertisements for sports shoes在电视中做运动鞋广告模特儿;

(8)(绘画,摄影)模特儿(person who is paintedphotographedetc)[C]:a nude~裸体模特儿;an artist's~艺术家的模特儿;a~for several painters 为几位画家做模特儿;She was one of Rosette's favourite~s. 她是画家罗赛蒂最喜欢的模特儿之一。〖同〗subject;

v (1)(用泥、蜡等材料)做模型(make or construct models out of claywaxwoodetc;shape sth to form sth)[IT+n]:~in clay用粘土做模型;~animals with papier-mâché/dancers in wax/airplanes out of balsa wood用制型纸浆做成动物/石腊塑成舞蹈者/印度轻木制成飞机模型;~clay into a unicorn (a unicorn out of clay)用黏土做独角兽模型;The whole car can be~ed on a computer.整部汽车可在计算机上做成模型。〖同〗form,mold;

(2)模仿,仿效(make oneself or sth a copy of sb or sth else)[T+n+prep(on/upon)]:~oneself on Madonna/on one's father/on one's teacher以圣母玛利亚/自己的父亲/老师为榜样;~one's behaviour on one's elder's/one's manner on one's mother's/one's acting on a famous dancer's行为效仿其兄长/举止效仿其母亲/表演效仿一位著名舞蹈家;The Constitution of Canada is~ed on that of the mother country.加拿大的宪法是按照母国(指英国)的宪法制定的。The library was~ed after the library of Congress in Washington.这图书馆是仿照华盛顿国会图书馆建造的。〖同〗mold,fashion;

(3)当模特儿(display clothing by wearing it;work as a model for an artistphotographeretc)[IT+n]:too fat to~当模特儿太胖了;~at a fashion show/the local art school在服装表演会上/当地艺校当模特儿;~for an illustrator当插图画家的模特儿;~for a photographer/a painter当摄影师的/画家的模特儿;~new hats/cardigans in kiting books/summer clothes 为新式帽子/编织书中的毛衣/夏季新式服装做模特儿;Will you~this coat for Mr. Jones? 你能给琼斯先生做这种外衣的模特儿吗?〖同〗display,show;

→′model(l)ing n 模型制造(法);′modeller n 制造模型者;造型者





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