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诗文 中共北方局的重建


1936年3月下旬,刘少奇由陕北来津重建北方局,并兼任书记。刘少奇和夫人,在津住在今和平区黑龙江路隆泰里19号的二楼上。刘少奇公开身份是南开大学教授“周先生” ,在家养病。室内陈设十分简陋,只有1张木床、1个方桌、1把木椅和一些生活用品。
该地处于原日、法租界交界处,周围街道里弄,纵横错落,四通八达,既便于隐蔽,又利于转移。当时,楼下是 “惠兴德成衣铺” ,只有师徒二人,都是外乡人,只顾做生意,单纯可靠。出入人员可以假装到成衣店量体裁衣。站在二楼的窗前,可以了望到滨江道和黑龙江路上的动静,很利于秘密工作者工作、居住。
刘少奇通过林枫,与地方党组织保持着密切的联系,在短短的一年多时间里,成功地领导了“五二八” 天津学生反日大示威; 卓有成效地推动了抗日民族统一战线的开展,把天津的抗日救亡运动推向新的高潮。
刘少奇并在此写下了许多指导党的工作和白区斗争的著述。如以K.Y为名撰写的《肃清立三路线的残余——关门主义、冒险主义》 、《关于白区工作给中央的信》 ,以吕文署名撰写的《论合作抗敌的一封信》 、《论 “全国抗战是否立刻爆发” 和救亡阵线当前主要的任务》等等,都是党的重要文献。
1982年,天津市人民政府,确定隆泰里19号为市级文物保护单位,并镶嵌了一块用大理石刻制的标志牌。上述“天津市市级文物保护单位——中共北方局旧址” 。


At the end of 1935,the Central Committee of CPC heldpolitburo meeting at Wayaobao in Shaanxi Province,analyzing the status and drawing out strategy. It decidedto send Liu Shaoxi to be in charge of Northern Bureauin Tianjin. The main task was to lead anti-Japan struggleby building the united front in the north.
In late March of 1936,Liu Shaoqi arrived inTianjin from North Shaanxi to rebuild the NorthernBureau. Liu Shaoqi and his wife lived on the secondfloor of Longtaili at Longjiang Road of HepingDistrict. Liu Shaoqi`s public identity was ProfessorZhou of Nankai University who rested at homebecause of illness. The indoor furniture was poor: onewooden bed,one square table,one wooden chair andsome articles for living.
The place was located in between Japanese andFrench concessions. There were many crossed lanes,easy for hiding and transferring. At the downstairs wasHuixing Clothe Shop run by a tailor and his apprentice,who were immigrants busy at making money. The secretagents could pretend to bemaking clothes at the shop. Onthe second floor,they could watch Bingjing Road andHelongjiang Road,which was convenient for them towork and live.
Liu Shaoqi kept close contact with undergroundCommunists by Lin Feng. In a year,he led the 5.28Anti-Japan Student Demonstration,developed the anti-Japan Front Line,and pushed the anti-Japan activities inTianjin to a new era.
Liu Shaoqi wrote many articles to direct the CPCactivities and the fights in enemy-occupied areas,such as"Sweeping the Remaining of Lisanism—Conservatismand Adventurism" and "A Letter to Central Committee ofCPC about the Work in Enemy-Occupied Areas" signed(in the name of K.Y.),and "A Letter about Anti-Enemyby Cooperation" and "Will National Anti-Japan ActivityBreak Out Shortly and Main Tasks of the Frontline ofSaving the Nation form Extinction" (in the name of LuWen).All are important articles of CPC.






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