a. unwilling,enforced 不情愿的,被迫的。
△Rom.1.5.93(89):“Patience perforce with wilfulcholer meeting”,勉强的耐心和倔强的愤怒遇在一起。
ad. 1.by force,by violence,by constraint 强迫地,用暴力,用强制。
△As.1.2.20(19): “for what he hath taken a-way from thy father perforce,I will render thee againin affection.”因为凡是他用暴力从你父亲手里夺去的东西.我都要怀着爱心归还给你。
△Com.4.3.95(94):“He rushedinto my house,and took perforce / My ring away.“他闯入了我的家中,把我的戒指强夺而去。
△Rom. 5. 3. 238:“Betrothed and would have married her perforce / ToCounty Paris.”把她许配给帕里斯伯爵,还要强迫她与他结婚。
△Lr.1.5.44(39):“To take 't again perforce!”用武力夺回来! (按:对这句话有两种解释:❶李尔考虑用武力夺回自己的君权;
△3H.VI.1.1.33: “And when the King comes,offerhim no violence / Unless he seek to thrust you outperforce. ”国王来的时候不要对他动武,除非他要强迫把你们赶出去。
△3H.VI.1.1.141:“He (i. e . Henry IV) rose a-gainst hiill (i. e . Richard II),being (i.c. who was) hissovereign,/ And made him resign his crown per-force.”他是起兵反叛他的君主,强迫他让位的。
△3H.VI.55.68: “Away with her: go,bear her hence perforce. ”把她带走;去,押着她出去。
△R.III.3.1.28:“The tenderPrince/ Would fain have come with me to meet yourGrace / But by his mother was perforce withheld.”那小王子很想跟我一起来迎接殿下,但被他母亲强迫拦住了。
△H. VIII.1.2.45: “which are not wholesome / Tothose which would not know them,and yet mustPerforce be their acquaintance.”这些事情对于那些不愿与闻的人们是不利的,但他们又被迫必须知道(接受)。
2. of necessity,necessarily,yielding to necessity,in-evitably势必,必然,迫于必要,不可避免地。
△Wiv.3.4.84(80): “Perforce,against all checks. rebukes. andmanners. /I must advance the colours of my love/And not retire.”不管碰到什么阻碍、责难和礼法,我都一定要高举我的爱情的旗帜,绝不后退。
△Lr.2.1.17(15): “Thisweaves itself perforce into my business. ”这一来正好编织进我的计划之中。
△Lr.4.2.34: “She that herself willsliver and disbranch From her material sap. perforcemust wither,”一根树枝若是硬使自己与滋养的树液脱离和割断,就一定会枯萎。
△Lr.4.2. 49: “Humanity must per-force prey on itself,/ Like monsters of the deep. ”人类一定要自相吞食,像深海里的怪兽一样。
△Oth.5.2.255(256): “Thou hast no weapon,and perforce must suf-fer.”你没有武器,只好屈服。
△2H.IV.1.3.72:“perforcea third / Must take up us.”第三支队伍必须来对付我们。
△2H.IV. 4.5.32(33):“Did he suspire,that light andweightless down/Perforce must move.”他只要呼吸一下,那根轻飘而没有分量的茸毛就必定要动。
△H.V.4.6.33:“For hearing this. I must perforce compound / Withmistful eyes.”因为听了这番话,我也不得不跟我的泪水迷濛的眼睛尽量妥协。
△1H.VI.2.4.115: “How I am bravedand must perforce endure it!”我受了多么大的侮辱,还不得不忍受!
3. forcibly强有力地。
△Mid.2.1.26: “But she,per-force,withholds the loved boy,”但她偏要极力保留那受宠爱的孩童。
force perforce: forced by necessity,against one’swill,willy-nilly,under compulsion迫于必要,违背自己心愿,无可奈何地,被迫地。
△2H.IV.4.1.115(113): “TheKing that loved him,as the state stood then,/Wasforce perforce compelled to banish him:”那位爱他的国王,由于当时的事态所限,违背着自己的心愿不得不把他放逐。 forced perforce: =force perforce