释义 |
争先恐后zhēng xiān kǒng hòustrive to be the first and fear to lag behind; strive to keep in the forefront of; the devil take (/catch) the hind (er)most; vie with each other in doing something ❍ 大伙~报名:“我去哩!”“我也去哩!”“说啥也得有咱一份!”(柳青《创业史》170) All raised their voices eagerly.“I’ll go,” “Me too.” “You’ve got to take me along,no matter what.”/这时东西榕桥镇和其他村的男女老少都~地拥到沙滩上来,显然,他们是接到了乡公所的通知的。(黎汝清《海岛女民兵》233) Men and women,old and young,hurried down to the beach. They had been told by the township administration about this event. ❍ 匪徒们一听说要逃跑,都~地纷纷上船,机器立即发动起来。(黎汝清《海岛女民兵》288) They all made a headlong rush for the boat and then we heard the motor rev up. ❍ 一个迈开腿向金鼎走去,大家便~地拥上去了。(鲁迅《故事新编》87) Someone walked over to the golden cauldron,and the others pressed after him ❍ 这人从此就很有名,也很忙碌,大家都~的来看他头上的疙瘩,几乎把木排踏沉; ……(鲁迅《故事新编》34)This man promptly became exceedingly famous and busy. Everyone rushed to look at the bump on his head,nearly swamping his raft in the process. ❍ 战士们仰头望见团长一面召唤一面拔步登山,都振奋起来,都一个个~的向上爬。(刘白羽《火光在前》110) Stirred by the sight of the regiment commander climbing vig orously upwards,every man strove forward,competing to be the first to reach the top. 争先恐后strive to be the first and fear to lag behind;vie with each other for the lead; fall over each other 争先恐后zhēnɡ xiān kǒnɡ hòu形容争着向前,惟恐落在后边。vie with each other in doing sth., rush on to be first, flock to, rival for priority, fall over each other, fall over one another |