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❶ (力求得到或达到; 争夺) contend; vie; compete; struggle for; strive: 竞 ~ compete with [against]; contest; ~ 着发言 try to have the floor before others; ~ 冠军 strive for the champion; 互 ~ 第一名 vie with one another for the first place; 力 ~ 胜利 strive mightily for victory; 春 ~ 日, 夏 ~ 时。 In spring every day counts, in summer every hour.
❷ (争执; 争论) argue; dispute; debate: 把事情 ~ 个水落石出 argue a matter out; 你们在 ~ 什么? What are you arguing about? 这是意气之 ~。 The dispute was a display of personal feelings.
❸ [方] (差) lack; be short of: ~ 点儿摔了一交 almost fall down; 该计划不 ~ 什么了。 Nothing is lacking for the plan. 总数还 ~ 多少? How many more are needed to make up the total? Ⅱ (怎么) how; why: ~ 可 how can; ~ 不 why not; ~ 奈 nevertheless; unfortunately; ~ 忍 how can one bear to Ⅲ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 不识 Zheng Bushi
◆争霸 contend [struggle] for hegemony; scramble for supremacy; seek hegemony; strive for hegemony [supremacy]; 争辩 argue; debate; contend; 争吵 quarrel; wrangle; squabble; 争持 refuse to give in; stick to one's guns; 争斗 fight; struggle; strife; 争端 dispute; conflict; controversial issue; a bone of contention; a bone [crow] to pick; 争夺 fight [contend; scramble] for; enter into rivalry with sb. over sth.; strive for; vie with sb. for sth.; 争分夺秒 seize every minute and second (to...); Every minute [second] counts.; make every minute and second count; race against time; seize the seconds (to do ...); 争风吃醋 fight for a man's [woman's] favours; a storm of jealousy; be jealous of a rival in love affairs; scrap through jealousy; quarrel from jealousy; start [have] a scrap (with sb.) through jealousy; 争光 win honour for; win glory; do credit to; 争衡 scramble for supremacy; strive for mastery; be in rivalry with; vie for superiority; 争竞 [方] argue; dispute; 争脸 do credit to; 争论 argue; dispute; debate; argument; controversy; contention; 争鸣 contend; 争名夺利 struggle for fame and gain; crave for personal fame and gain ; scramble for fame and fortune; strive [struggle] for fame and wealth; 争气 try to make a good showing; try to win credit for; try to bring credit to; 争取 strive for; fight for; endeavour to; win over; 争胜 try to win; contend for the upper hand; 争先 try [compete] to be the first to do sth.; contend for first place; 争先恐后 rush to the fore; elbow one's way through and push others aside; fall over each other [one another]; in a mad rush to be the first; strive to be the first and fear to lag behind; The devil take [catch] the hindmost.; 争雄 contend for hegemony; 争议 dispute; argue; debate; controversy; 争用 {讯} contention; 争执 disagree; dispute; contend with; be at odds with; stick to one's position; 争嘴 [方] quarrel; squabble; try to get sth. to eat

据理力~ argue strongly on just grounds/力~上游aim high;aim for the best/明~暗斗open quarrels and secret wrangles/与世无~at peace with the world/~名,~利,~权,~位,~出风头strive for fame,wealth,power,position or opportunity to be in the limelight





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