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单词 予取予求

予取予求yú qǔ yú qiú

take from me whatever you please—make unlimited demands
❍ 如果你认为你可以对我~,那你就完全错了! You would be entirely wrong if you think that you could make unlimited demands on me!/唯我知女,女专利而不厌,~,不女疵瑕也。后之人将求多于女,女必不免。(《左传·僖七年》)It is only I that know you. You are all bent on gain,insatiable. I have given to you and allowed you to beg from me,without dwelling on your faults; but my sucessor will require much from you,and you are sure not to escape the consequences of your conduct.

予取予求yu qu yu qiu

take whatever one wants—take freely

予取予求yǔ qǔ yǔ qiú

予:我。随便从我这儿拿,随便从我这儿要。形容任意索取。make unlimited demands





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