释义 |
graten. 1. iron lattice-work 铁格子。 △1H.VI.1.4.10:“through a secret grate of iron bars”,透过铁条编的秘密格子窗。 △1H.VI.1.4. 60:“Here,through this grate,I count each one,/ And view the Frenchmen how they fortify.”在这里,透过这个格子窗,我能一个一个数那些法国人,并且看见他们怎样筑防御工事。 2. grated window of a prison (监狱的)格子窗,铁窗。 △Wiv.2.2.8: “or else you had looked through thegrate,like a geminy of baboons.”否则你们早就被关起来,像一对大猩猩似的从铁窗里向外张望了。
gratevi. grind with an offensively creaking sound带着刺耳的嘎吱声磨动。 △1H.IV.3.1.131(130):“Or a drywheel grate on the axle-tree,”或听一只干燥的轮子在车轴上嘎吱嘎吱磨动。 grate on(upon): harass,pester,annoy,worry,irri-tate骚扰,烦扰,使生气,使烦恼,使恼怒, △2H.IV.4.1.90:“What peer hath been suborned to grate on you?”究竟哪一位贵族受人唆使激怒了你? △Wiv.2.2.6:“I have g-rated upon my good friends for three reprieves foryou and your coach-fellow Nym;”我曾不惜惹得我的好朋友们厌烦,屡次三番为你和你的搭档尼姆请求缓刑。 grate[greit]v.摩擦,刺激,激怒/n.格栅,花格,壁炉,炉 ‖ graticule n. 网格,方格 (图),十字线 graticulation n. 在图上画方格 grated adj.有格栅的 grating n.格栅,格子 grateless adj.无格栅的 graticule n.网格,方格(图),十字线,经纬线 graticulate[grəˈtikju:leit]v.把(图案等)分格放大(缩小)/ graticulation n.在图上画方格 |