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单词 this
释义 this /dis; dis/ (pl these) /di: z; Sir/ adj, pron (contrasted with that, those. ~ /these and that/those are used to make a person or thing specific. ~ / these are used when the person or thing is near in space or time tS the speaker.) (与 that, those 相对。 this, these 与 that, those 均用以特指人或物。 this 和 these 用来指在空间或时间上距说话者较近者。) 1 Look at ~ box/these boxes here. 看这里的这个(这些)盒子。 What's ~ over here? 这个是什么? What are these? 这些是什么? Are these books yours? 这些书是你的吗? Are 'these your children? 这些孩子是你(们)的吗? Is ~ what you want? 这就是你要的吗? T~ (one) is larger than that. 这个比那个大。 These are better than those. 这些比那些律。 Do it like ~、 ie in ~ way, as shown here, etc. 照这样去做。 Life is difficult these days, nowadays. 目前谋生不容易了。 He will be here ~ Thursday, Thursday of ~ week. 他将于这个星期四来此。 What's all ~? (colloq) What's the trouble? What's happening? (俗)这是怎么一回事?怎么了?(有什么麻烦?或,发生了何事?) 2 (T~ and a possess ive cannot be used together. Note the construc tion used when ~ and a possessive are both needed): (this与所有格不能连在一起用。注意下列例句中 this 与所有格同时使用的结构): T~ car of yours needs a thorough overhaul. 您的这部汽患蕾要彻底检修。 These new shoes of mine are painfully tight. 我的这双新桂太紧,夹得脚疼。 3 (in narrative) a certain: (故事中)某一个: Then ~ funny little man came up to me. 然后一个有趣的小矮子向我走过来。 We all ended up at ~ pub. 我们统统到一家酒馆(痛饮)。 adv (colloq) to ~ degree; so: (U)到此程度; 如此: It's about ~ high. (-2) 大约有这么高。 Now that we have come ~ far (→ as far as ~ )....我们既然已经走了这么远…。 Can you spare me ~ much (= as much as ~ )?你能不能匀给我这么多? I know ~ much (- what I am about .to state), that his story is exaggerated. 就我所知, th 。' /Ssv; do/ adv, conj (informal spelling of) though. 为 though 之非正式拼法。 他的故事过分夸大。




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