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单词 think
释义 think1 /Siylc; 0n)k/ vi, vt (pt.pp thought /Mt; Got/) (For special uses with adverbial particles and preps, → 8 below.) (与副词接语及介词连用的特殊用法,参看下列第 8 义。) 1 [VP2A, B, C, 6A, 8] (with cognate object) use, exercise, the mind in order to form opinions, come to conclusions: (与同系宾语连用)思索; 考虑; 想: Are animals able to ~? 动物能思考吗? You should ~ (= not be hasty) before doing that. 做那事之前你应该考虑考虑。 Do you ~ in English when you speak English, or translate mentally? 你讲英语时是用英语构思,还是经过心里的翻译过程? Let me ~ a moment, Give me time before I answer. 让我先想一下。 He may not say much but he ~ a lot. 他也许不大讲话,但是他想得很多。 ~ aloud, utter one's thoughts as they occur. 自言自语。 ~-tank n group or organization that provides advice, ideas, solutions to problems, etc. 提供意见、解决问题之方法等的团体或组织; 智囊团。 2 [VP9, 25] consider; be of the opinion: 认为; 以为: Do you ~ it will rain? 你认为会下雨吗? Yes, / ~ so. 是的,我认为会。 No, I don't ~ so. 不,我认为不会。 It's going to rain, I ~. 我看快要下雨了 ~ (that) you're very brave. 我认为你很勇敢。 Do you ~ it likely/that it is likely? 你认为这事可能吗? I thought / heard a scream. 我认为我听到一声尖叫。 They had been thought (to be) lost. 大家都以为他们迷路了。 It will'be better, don't you to start early. 早一点动身比较好,你说是吧。 ~ fit. 认为适当。 → fit (2). 3 [VP10] (neg with can/could) imagine, form a conception of: (用于否定句,员 can 或 could 连用)构想; 想像; 形成概念: I can t ~ what you mean. 我想像不出你的意思是什么。 I can't ~ where she has gone off to/how she did it/why she left. 我想不出她逃往何处(她怎么做的,她为什么雌开)。 You can't ~ how glad I am to see you. 你无法想像我是多么高兴见到你。 4 [VP9] have a halfformed intention: 有意; 打算: I ~ I'll go for a swim. 我想去游泳。 5 [VP10] reflect: 反省; 思维; 细想: She was ~ing (to herself) how cold the room was. 她在想那房间真冷。 6 [VP7A, 9] expect, intend: 预料; 企图: I never thought that I'd see you here! 我从未料到会在这里见到你! Who would have thought to see you here! 谁会想到在这里看到你! / thought as much. That is what I expected or suspected. 我也这样想。 7 [VP22] bring into a mental condition by ~ing: 因想而导致某种心理状态; 想到某种地步: Stop worrying or you'll ~ yourself sick! 别着急,否则你会急出病来的! 8 [VP3A, 15B] (special uses with adverbial particles and preps): (与副词接语及介词连用的特殊用法): think about sth, a examine, consider (esp a plan, idea, to see whether it is desirable, practicable, etc): 考虑; 慎思; 审査(尤指计划、観念,看它是否相宜、可行等): She's ~ing about emigrating to Canada. 珞在考虑移居加拿大。 Please ~ about the proposal and let me have your views tomorrow. 请考虑那项建议,明天把你的看法吿诉我。(b) recall; reflect upon: 想起; 回想; 回顾: She -was ~ing about her childhood days. 她在回想她的童年时期。 think of sth. a consider; take into account: 考虑; 计及; 思索: We have a hundred and one things to ~ of before we can decide.> 在我们做决定前,我们有许许多多的事情莎考虑。 You ~ of everything! 你全都想到了!(b) consider, contemplate (without reaching a decision or taking action): 有意; 想; 打算; 盘算(未做成决定亦未采取实际行动): We re ~ing of emigrating to Canada. 我们打算移民到加拿大。 I did ~ of visiting him, but I've changed my mind. 我确曾想去拜访他,不过我已改变了主意。 c imagine: 想像: Just ~ of the cost/danger! 想想那笔费用(那危险)吧! T 。 ~ of his not knowing anything about it! Isn't it surprising! 想想看,他对此事竟一无所知(宁非怪事)!( d) have, entertain, the idea of (often with could, would, should, and not or never, with dream as a possible substitute for think): 有…的看法; 持…的念头(常与 could, would, should, 以及 not, never 连用,dream 可代替 think): Surrender is not to be thought of. 发降不列入参虑。 I couldn't ~ of such a thing. 我不可値有这种想法。 He would never ~ of letting his daughter marry a fellow like you. 他从未想到让他的女儿嫁给像你这样的人。(司 call to mind; recall: 记忆; 记起: I can't ~ of his name at the moment. 我一时想不起他的名字。 f put forward; suggest: 提出; 建议: Who first thought of the idea? 谁先提出那个主意的? Can you ~ of a good place for a weekend holiday? 你能提出一个周末度假的好去处吗? ~ highly/well/not much/Httie, etc of sb/ sth, (not in the progressive tenses) have a high/ good/poor, etc opinion of: (不用进行式)对某人或某事物评价甚高(评价高,评价不太高,评价甚低等): His work is highly thought of by the critics. 批评家对他的作品评价甚高。 He ~ the world of her, ~s she,s wonderful, loves her dearly. 他对她十分倾心。 ~ nothing of sth/doing sth, consider (doing) it to be insignificant or unremarkable: 轻视; 看术起: 不把…当一回事: Barbara ~s nothing of walking 20 miles a day. 芭芭拉并不把每天走二十哩路当一回事。 ~ nothing 'of it, (formal) Don't mention it, → mention. (正式用语)不必客我。 ~ better of sb, have a higher opinion of (than to...): 看重某人(不至于做…); 对某人持较…高的看法 . I Aad always thought better of you than to suppose you could be so unkind. 我过去一直认为你不至于会那样贱忍。 ~ better of sth, reconsider and give up: 重新考虑并放弃: What a foolish idea! I hope you'll ~ better of it. 多么愚蠢的想法!我希望你重新考虑一下 (把它放弃)吧。 think sth out, consider carefully and make a plan for: 想出; 想通; 熟思: It seems to be a wellthought out scheme. 那似乎是一项考虑周详的计划。 That wants ~ing out, needs careful considera tion. 那事需要仔细考虑。 think sth over, reflect upon, consider further (before reaching a decision, etc): 仔细想; 作进一弟考虑; 审慎思考: Please ~ over what I've said. 请仔细考虑我说的话。 I'd like more time to ~ things over. 我希望多二点时间把事情做进一步的考虑。 think sth up, devise, conceive, invent (a scheme, etc): 想出; 想到; 设计出(一项计划等): There's no knowing what he'll ~ up next. 谁也不知道下一回他会想出什么花样。




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