释义 |
一心一意一心一计yī xīn yī yìdevoteallone’s attention to; devote oneslf entirely to; give one’s undivided attention to; give one’s whole mind to;keep one’s whole mind on; set one’s whole heart on;heart and soul; whole-hearedly; with body and soul;apply (/bend) one’s mind to; be bent (/intent)on (/upon) ❍ 人家后生~为革命那股劲,了不起哩……(柳青《铜墙铁壁》171) His selfless spirit of 'all for the revolution’is really something wonderful!/大伙都~做活哩,就我一个不专心! (柳青《创业史》404)Everyone is concentrating on his job. I’m the only one whose mind is wandering. ❍ 革命的荣誉心强、自尊心强,~要当个战斗英雄。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》121) He’s keen on winning revolutionary glory and has a lot of self-respect. His heart is set on becoming a combat hero. ❍ 说完了话,朱延年又低下头去,~地算他的账。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—360) Having said this,he bent over his accounts again and devoted all his attention to them. ❍ 你~发展副业,家里多喂鸡和猪,……(周立波《山乡巨变》222) And you can devote yourself entirely to developing sidelines.You can keep more poultry and pigs at home…/只要你们内战一开,你们就只能~打内战,……(《毛泽东选集》872) Once you start civil war.you will have to give it your undivided attention.…/以后请姨妈过来安慰宝钗,咱们一心一计的调治宝玉,可不两全?(《红楼梦》1274)…then we can invite Aunt Xue here to comfort Baochai.while we give our whole minds to curing Baoyu. Wouldn’t that be best on both scores?/我要不跟他学习,不怕苦,不怕死,~为人民,就对不起他。(周立波《暴风骤雨》420) If I don’t learn from him,not to shirk difficulties,not to fear death,but to serve others whole-heartedly,I shall be letting him down. ❍ 陈正公见他如此至诚,~要把银子借与他。(吴敬梓《儒林外史》 593) Impressed by his sincerity,Chen insisted on lending him the silver. ❍ 我们应该向他学,~地多杀敌人多立功。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》97) I ought to be like him,and keep my whole mind on killing lots of the enemy and earning merits. ❍ 我的志向就是~要学先生,……(郭沫若《屈原》78) I want to imitate you,Master,with all my heart and mind. ❍ 她低着头,头发有些披下来,~地在抄写什么东西。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—402) She was copying something with great concentration,her head bent and her hair falling over her forehead. ❍ ~地也要去干革命军。 (萧军《八月的乡村》113) With one heart and one mind they all wanted to join the army of resistance,the “revolutionary”army. ❍ 遂一心一计帮着女儿女婿过活。(《红楼梦》68)She did her best to make herself useful to him and her daughter. 一心一意heart and soul;whole-heartedly;with undivided attention ~搞建设concentrate on (or be devoted to)economic development 一心一意yī xīn yī yì一个心思。比喻专心,没有其他念头。a tiny bit, be intent on, with body and soul, heart and soul, be at one |