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单词 third
释义 third /Qxd; 0?d/ adj, n (abbr 略作 3rd) next after the second (in place, time, order, importance, etc); one of the three equal divisions of a whole: 第三(的); 三分之一(的): the ~ month of the year, ie March; 三月; o/i the ~ of April; 画月三说; on the ~ floor (US 美= fourth floor); 在'四辞; every ~ day; 序三天; 每隔两天; the ~ largest city in France; 法国的第三大城; Edward the T~, Edward III, the ~ king of this name; 爱德华三世; one - of a litre. 三分之一升。 ~degree, prolonged or hard questioning, use of torture (as used by the police in some countries to get confessions or information). (某些国家的警察为获得口供或情报所用的)疲劳讯问; 刑讯; 逼供。 a/the ~ party, another person besides the twp principal people. 第三者。 party insurance, of a person other than the person insured, which the insurance company undertakes to meet. 第三者责任保险 (对受保人以外的第三者有承诺的保险)。 ~ rail, conductor rail, carrying electric current. 带电的第三轨。 i— 'rate adj of poor quality. 三流的; 三等的; 万质的。 |~-'rater n person who is ~-rate. 三流人物; 差劲的人。 the T~ World, the developing countries not aligned with the great power blocs. 第三世界(不与大国结盟的开发中国家)。 ~ly adv




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