单词 | thing |
释义 | thing /Oig; 6iy/ n 1 any material object: 东西; 物: What are those ~s on the table? 桌上的咏些东西是什么? There wasn't a ~ (=nothing) to eat. 没有汇西可吃。 She's too fond of sweet ~s, sweet kinds of food. 她太爱吃甜食了。 2 (pl) belongings; articles of which the nature is clear (or thought to be clear) from the context: (复)所寿物; 物件; 用品(其性质可由上下文判断者): Bring your swimming ~s (= your swimming-suit, towel, etc) with you. 带着你的游泳用品。 Have you packed your ~s (= clothes, etc) for the journey? 你旅行用的衣物都收拾好了吗? Put your ~s (= coat, hat, etc) on and let's leave. 把你的衣帽等穿戴起来让我们离开这里。 3 subject: 题目; 主题: There's another ~ (=something else) / want to ask you about. 还有一件事我想要问你。 4 that which is non-material: 非砂历的事物: He values ~s of the mind more than ~s of the body. 他对于心灵方面的事物看得比肉体方面的事物重。 be 'seeing ~s, have hallucinations. 产生幻旋。 5 circumstance; event; course of action : 情况; 事件; 行为: That only makes ~s (= the situation) worse. 那只会使情况更槽。 You take ~s (=happenings) too seriously. 你把事情看得太严重了 (. / must think ~s over, consider what has happened, what has to be done, etc. 我必须把情势考点一下。 What's the next ~ to do, What must be done next? 下一步该做什么? It's just one of those ~s, sth that can't be helped, explained, remedied, etc (according to context). 那真是没有法子的事(指无可奈何,无法解释,无法挽救的事等, 根据上下文而定)。 T~ s (= The state of affairs) are getting worse and worse. 事态愈来愈糟了。 Well, of 'all ~s! (expressing surprise, indignation, etc, at what has been done, suggested, etc). 扇居会如此!(对所做、所建议等的事情表示惊呀、愤慨等。) for 'one ~ ,used to introduce a reason: 一凯; 首先(用以举出一项理由): For one I haven't any money; for another.... 一则,我没有钱; 再则,…。 Taking one ~ with another, considering various circumstances, etc. 考虑各种情况; 考虑各方面的情形。 6 (used of a person or an animal, expressing an emotion of some kind): (用以指人或动物,显露某种情緖): She's a sweet little ~ /a dear old ~. 她是一个可爱的小东西(一位亲切的老太太)。 Poor ~ ,he's been ill all winter. 可怜的人,他已经病了整个多天。 7 the ~, just what will be best in the circumstances: 最遮合的事物; 最好的事物: A holiday in the mountains will be the best ~ for you. 上山去度假对你来说最好不过。 That's not the ~ to do, is unsuitable, inappropriate, 那是不宜做的事。 He always says the right/wrong makes the most suitable/unsuitable remark or comment. 他说话总是很得体(不适当)。 quite the ~, fashionable. 时髦的。 8 (phrases) (片语) the,~ 'is, the question to be considered is: 目前的问题是; 目前要考虑的是; 最要紧的是: The ~ is, can we get there in time? 目前的问题是,我们能否及时赶到那里? The ~ is (= The most important factor is) to make your views quite clear to everyone. 亘在最要紧的是把你的观点向每一个人解释淸楚。 first ~ ,before anything else; early: 第一件事; 最先; 早: I'll do it first ~ tomorrow morning. 明天一早我便做这件事。 first ~s first, O.first,(1). the general/, common/xusual ,~ : the common practice. 常例; 惯例。 a near ~, a narrow escape (from an accident, missing a train, etc). 好险的事; 侥幸的事 (如常免于难,险些未赶上火车等)。 an understood ~ , sth that has been/is accepted. 已被接受或认可之事。 do one's (own) ~ ,(colloq) do sth which one does well, or which one feels an urge to do; act without inhibition, (俗)做得心应手之事; 敬渴望做之事; 为所欲为。 have a ~ about, (colloq) be obsessed by. (俗)被…迷住; 被…困扰; 对…感到駅恶。 9 (pl with an adj following) all that can be so described: (复数,后接形容词)…的事物; 文物; 该形容词所描述的事物总称: ~s Japanese customs, art, etc. 日本的文物。 10 (legal) (法律) ~s per-sonal/real, personal/real property. 动产(不动产) |
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