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单词 thirst
释义 thirst /Mst; 03st/ n [U, and with indef art as in examples] (不可数名词,但如例句所示,可与不定冠词连用) 1 feeling, caused by a desire or need to drink; suffering caused by this: 渴; 口渴: The horse satisfied its ~ at the river. 那马在河里饮水解渴。 This kind of work gives me a ~. 这种工作使我感到口渴。 They lost their way in the desert and died 。/' ~ .他们在沙漠中迷路而渴死了。 2 (fig) strong desire (for, or, liter and biblical, after): (喻)热望; 渴望(与 for 连用; 文学及圣经,与 after 连用): a ~ for knowledge; 求知欲; satisfy one's ~ for adventure. 满足冒险的热望。口 vi [VP2A, 3A] ~ (for), have ~ ; be eager (for): 口渴; 渴望; 热望: ~ for (liter and biblical, after) (文学及圣经,与 after 连用) revenge. 渴望复仇。 ~y adj (-ier, -iest) having or causing ~ :渴的; 使人口渴的: be/feel ~ y. 口渴。 Some kinds of food make one ~ y. 有些种类的食物吃了使人口渴。 Tennis is a ~y game on a hot day. 热天打网球是一种令人口渴的运动。 The fields are ~y for rain. 田地亢旱需要雨水。 ~ /-ill; -ah/ adv




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