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单词 advise


1. counsel劝告。
△Oth. 2. 3. 335 (326):“You adviseme well. ”你对我的劝告很好。
2. prevail on by counsel,persuade以劝告说服,劝服。be advised: take my advice,be ruled by me接受我的劝告,听我的话。
△1H. IV. 4. 3. 5: “Good cousin,be ad-vised. stir not tonight ”好侄儿.听我的话,今晚不要动。
3. persuade,induce说服,引诱。
△Lr. 5. 1. 2. : “Orwhether since he is advised by aught / To change thecourse. ” i. e. Or whether since then he has been per-suaded by anything to change his course of action. 再不然后来是否由于什么原因而引起他改变了方针。
4. inform. instruct通知,指示。
△H. VIII.1. 2. 107: “Tshall anon advise you / Further in the proceeding”下一步如何进行,我不久再指示你。
△H. VIII2. 4. 51 (53):“Wherefore I humbly / Beseech you,sir,to spare me,till I may / Be by my friends in Spain advised,whosecounsel / I will implore.”因此我谦卑地恳求陛下对我宽容一些,让我能够征求一下我在西班牙的亲友们的意见。
△Mac. 3.1. 129 (128): “I will advise you where to plant your-selves,”我就会通知你们到哪里埋伏。
~ vi. consider,reflect,ponder,think,act after con-sideration考虑,思考,深思,想,三思而行。
△Rom. 3. 5. 192(190):“lay hand on heart. advise. ”把手放在心上想想。
~ vb. refl.
1. take counsel with,bethink与…商量.使…思考。
advise oneself: consider考虑。
△H. V. 3. 6. 171 (159):“Go. bid thy master well advis e himself.”去,叫你的主人好好考虑一下吧。
△Lr. 2. 1. 29 (27): “Advise your-self. ” i. e. Consider or think carefully. 你自己想一下。
2. take care留神。
△Tw. 4. 2. 104 (94): “Advise youwhat you say:” i. e. Take care of what you say 留神你说的话。





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